The StoneDragons. A vision in the making, a spectacular way of sharing conversation with the people we love and the people we want to love. GLORIOUS! The Stonedragons Podcast
CEO: Anthony Ibrahim
Let’s start with: Who are The Stonedragons?
The Stonedragons are a brotherhood, which through extensive research in online communications and backgrounds in media arts, have come up with an idea that WE believe will change the way people think, act and communicate within their community.
The Stonedragons Goal:
On radio stations in the GTA, we hear people calling in “Hoping” they get a chance to voice their opinions and concerns about given topics that affect not only the specific individual, but a demographic as a whole. Through our online outlet, The Stonedragons Podcast and YouTube Channel, these same individuals will be ABLE to voice their concerns and worries, or even positive feedback, by having the ‘Spot Light’ on them. This is where the community aspect is brought in. A community listening to its own community and what the individuals have to say, will not only open some of the eyes that have never thought about some of the issues we talk about, but also educate the public on steps one can take to become a better community member. The best thing about The Stonedragons Podcast and YouTube Channel is: Anyone can be featured, giving them the time and attention they believe and we believe they deserve.
We completely respect and will always respect what the individual has to say. Our goal is to use the community to reach out to the community. A self sustaining radio talk show that relies on its community to thrive, this gives power back to the people.
Our current phase:
The Stonedragons are in phase one of preparation: This entails the launching of our social media websites (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and that are going to aid in promoting The Stonedragons for our cause. We have been in business and podcasting since February 10/2013 and are very excited to see where this adventure takes not only us, but our listeners.
With the knowhow and the dedication the brotherhood posses, we have no doubt that the podcast and online channels will be a success.
Anthony Ibrahim
CEO of Stonedragons Inc.
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facebook.comThe StoneDragons Episode 2 Origins
Episode 2 is up and ready for YOU!
Stone Dragons Episode 1: Rebirth LISTEN....OR ...don't..but you should! :D
The StoneDragons: Episode 1- Rebirth
Happy New Years from @Ninja_Nason and @Realist Really. The Stonedragons are working on new material and can't wait to see what you all think! Be safe, have fun and most of all, Be Everything you can Be! #itshotterthanhellinhere
#magneto #vs #dante LINK IN BIO! #gotoit #go ... #now. HASHTAG! ... Yep... So good.

Brand new episode up! LINK IN BIO!! #brampton #the6ix #toronto #twinning #Deadpool #marvel #ryanreynolds
