We are a family-run farm, selling our own fresh garden produce, maple syrup, and eggs. Feel free to contact us for more information. A local family business planting, growing, picking, and selling fantastic Sweet Corn since ____ .
Our corn is usually available by the third week of July, until as late as Thanksgiving (however, this all depends on the growing conditions).
Our other seasonal produce includes: green and yellow snap beans, beets, zucchinis, onions, roma and beefsteak tomatoes, green peppers, gourds, butternut squash, and fresh-cut sunflowers, gladiolas and other flowers.
Every spring we tap __ to ___ maple trees, and produce syrup which is also for sale.
We have 100 laying hens producing white farm-fresh eggs.
In the summer months we raise turkeys and meat chickens, which will be available near Thanksgiving.
All of this keeps us very busy! We would love to hear feedback from our customers, so that we can serve you better!
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