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DTouch YOGA & Acupressure

4815 49 street, Calmar, Canada
Medical & Health



DTouch - Health Solutions inspired by nature offers a balanced approach to a healthy lifestyle with the focus on YOGA, ACUPRESSURE & Essential Oils. “It is the true inner smile from the inside out, from the soul, from the heart that makes every day simply fantastic! Be in the NOW and enjoy every moment…just BE!”
Daria - founder & owner of DTouch.

What we offer in Canada & Austria:
Group & Led YOGA classes
Private Therapeutic Yoga Sessions
Individual JSJ  Acupressure treatments
Essential Oil Massages
Essential Oil private consultations

My way in becoming a Jin Shin Jyutsu Acupressure practitioner and 500+ hrs yoga instructor:

Already throughout high school I was interested in natural healing and its link to psychology and philosophy, later receiving my BA in Psychology and finishing my Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Webster University of St.Louis Missouri my journey to become a Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) practitioner started, without me actually noticing and pursuing it intentionally.

Through the study of yoga in depth, a couple of years later and through a good friend and yoga teacher of mine I experienced the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu for the first time.
For me the life concept of yoga and the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu are closely related in their roots and their look out on causes of our imbalancees in life.
I am so fascinated by this healing art that I started to study it intensively first just to be able to stay in perfect harmony within my body and mind in this busy world and later to be able to share my knowledge with family and friends.

Further, seeing all the positive effects of the JSJ practice I decided to devote myself completely to the study and practice of this art- by giving treatments to my clients and also treating our animal companions (dogs, horses, cats) and by teaching Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help classes to help others to find their own, innate self-healing capacities.


Emily Wright doTERRA

I always like to look deeper and approach statements from different angles - here is one explanation why grapefruit essential oil is safe to take with prescription medication. We can only talk about oils that we tried and use and that have the highest quality standards and certified through 3rd party testing. For this reason my choice is #doterra #lifeofayogi #healthylifestyle #doterraeveryday

Janet Hawkins Ashtanga weekend

This workshop will be one of a kind for all yogis who are in love with Ashtanga or who would like to learn more about Vinyasa, breath and movement. Janet Hawkins is an inspiration and full of insights into this magical practice. Everyone who will be continuing their Mysore practice and Ashtanga practice with me, I would love to see your beautiful faces there. You can book individual workshop or the whole weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and daughters and moms of furry friends out there 💖💞💖

Janet Hawkins Ashtanga weekend

Acupressure Points

For everyone who just finished their course on JSJ self help with me - we know the importance of SEL #23 Did you do your holds today?

Acupressure Points

Photos from DTouch YOGA & Acupressure's post

Thank you #halfmoonyogaproducts for such a fast delivery and the great quality of the props that will bring many peaceful moments to our yogis & yoginis. Look up for new designs and props for your home practice and let me (Daria) know what you would like to have. Next order will be in May. If you want to try it out first, come to one of our yoga classes: Tonight in Calmar 7:30pm - Yin Delight 4815-49 st. Calmar The Yin Delight class will make your sleep 😴 tonight restorative and peaceful. Never tried out yin before? No problem drop in for just $15.00 and you won't regret it ;)

Photos from DTouch YOGA & Acupressure's post

Vegan Richa

In Ayurveda we want to live in accordance with the 5 elements and this belief is true in all aspects of our life. For example: When you cook a meal you want to make it tasty & healthy, following the season and nourishing your body with vitality. Try out this easy recipe tonight: Chana Dal and substitute meat in your diet with a vegetarian alternative at least once a week. Enjoy 😊

doTERRA Canada

My share of letting spring into my house - dusting away with this handy recipe from doterra. I have to admit I tweaked it a little. I added spearmint and sandal wood as I was also using it on my floors ;)

doTERRA Canada

Daria & DTouch: Power to Manifest in May & June

Our NEWSLETTER is out - read up on the events and yoga classes happening in your neighbourhood.

Tasty Vegetarian

Nature lovers - grow your own...what? Everything! Enjoy the gifts of our planet 🌎

Ayurveda by Curejoy

We ALL could benefit from most of them! Enjoy at home or come to our yoga studio. We offer yoga in Wetaskiwin, Camrose, Calmar, Wizard Lake & area.

Timeline Photos

Are you ready for your ASHTANGA VINYASA FLOW yoga class tonight in Calmar? 7pm at the Calmar Community Hall (4815 49 St.) - Mysore Style tonight & guest Instructor: Kathy Schneider will be challenging you with a creative yoga flow practice next week. Show up & get energized for a sunny weekend to come & Oilers are going to win ;) Love & light to all of you, D.

Timeline Photos

5 Dates to go on in Edmonton This Weekend | April 21-23

Wondering what to do this weekend in YEG? Insider Tipp: Arber Greenhouse is having an event on Saturday 4pm ($35) how to have a herbal garden this summer - join me there :)

Dr. Robert S. Pappas

If you're using essential oils, or want to start-- Let's chat before you purchase them from these stores (or anything on Amazon or eBay!)!! I know that you want the best natural products for your family and the low prices at these stores is appealing, but the stuff inside those bottles will be doing more harm than good. Please, please, please don't use oils from grocery stores on or around pets. It just isn't safe.

Dr. Robert S. Pappas


NEAR DTouch YOGA & Acupressure