Giving The Shirt Off Your Back to help others , it doesn't get any better than that!!! The last few years I have been traveling around the world in efforts to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and have found it very rewarding but while on the way I met so many more people that could use our help as basic as a shirt. When I visited Nepal last year a few people donated Hockey Jersey's for our porters and they loved them so much. I thought why not make this part of my fundraising every year and this is where you come in!
I want to take Hockey Jersey's with me on anywhere I go to give to those that need them! They can be any size , any league from house league to other countries to junior to college to university right up to the NHL it doesnt matter as long as we can but shirts on the backs of those that need them!
Want to help it is simple grab all that jersey(s) from your closet or basement and send them to me and I will deliver them to thse that need them!
Send the Jersey(s) along with your info ( So I can send you a photi of you gets it to you ) ITS THAT SIMPLE
Ronald Shane Reeleder , 442 Wilson Street East , Ancaster , Ontario L9G / 2C3
Thank You All For Caring!!
Tell your friends
facebook.comHockey Jerseys for Hope Vietnam
hopefully this is just the start here.
Photos from Hockey Jerseys for Hope's post
Tomorrow I head to Hanoi , Vietnam with Hockey Jerseys for Hope and I AM CANADIAN to hopefully bring a little Canadiana to those in need. #hockeyjerseysforhope #iamcanadian13th #payingitforward #vietnam #canada #hockeyrules #livingmydream #iamcanadian #lovinglife
Hockey Jerseys for Hope's cover photo
We do not yet have a website but hope to have one soon. Carol Chapman thanks for asking.
Photos from Hockey Jerseys for Hope's post
Very pleased to announce that I will be heading to Veitnam and Cambodia in October 2016 ( had to put last years trip on hold ) We of course will be giving out jerseys but also plan to play some ball hockey with everyone. Picture below Hockey Jerseys for Hope in the Philippines and Chile
Hockey Jerseys for Hope in MEXICO
Adam Greenberg kindly took some of our jerseys to the Nuevo Creacion Orphanage in LaPaz.
Miss Dida #321 in our IAM CANADIAN photography project. Miss Dida comes to us from Saudi Arabia. #13thframephotography #hockeyjerseysforhope #iamcanadian #saudiarabia #queen #regal #canada #beautifulfaces #payingitforward #livingmydream

Repacking and counting #16 #barrels for #vietnam from #hockeyjerseysforhope #ancaster to #hanoi #payitforward #ancasteravalanchegirlshockey #ancasteravalanche #ancastersoccer #ancasterbaseball #doingwhatsright #livingmydream

Getting Ready for Vietnam We could use a little help with a few things help us fill our last 2 barrels with school supplies and soccer cleats and jerseys. We are also accepting cash donations to help us wirh shipping expences ask how you can help please. #hockeyjerseysforhope #vietnam #canada #iamcanadian13th #iamcanadian #payingitforwardthecanadianway #payitforward #payitforwardwithsports #hockeycanada #soccerjerseys #soccercleats #13thframephotography #livingmydream #hockeyrules #burnslakebc #timmys #timhortons #newenglandpatriots #torontomapleleafs #lifeisamazing #givingjustbecause

I AM CANADIAN favorities #215 Stephanie in the Phillipines #hockey #canada🇨🇦 #canadarocks #phillipines #payingitforward

I AM CANADIAN favorities #140 & #141 Freddy and Dougie Hamilton #calgaryflames #hockey #canada🇨🇦 #canadarocks #canadaday #payingitforward

I AM CANADIAN favorites #138 Gabby from #brazil #canadaday #canadian #canada #canada🇨🇦 #canadarocks #payingitforward

I AM CANADIAN favorities #73 Ashley #canadarocks #canada #canadian #canadaday

THE I AM CANADIAN photography project. #304 Vika from the Ukraine! #iamcanadian13th #hockeyjerseysforhope #ukraine #ukrainebombshell #molson #hockey #canada

#302 in our #IAMCANADIAN photography project MEG MONROE #hamiltonphotographer13th #iamcanadian #hockeyjerseysforhope #ancasterphotographer13th #molsons #molsoncanadian #payitforward #livingmydream

#300 & #301 in the " I AM CANADIAN " photography project Mike and Bella #hamiltonphotographer13th #canada #bangladesh #sports #sportscanada #molsons #molsoncanadian #payitforward #ancasterphotographer13th

New Donation!! A friend just dropped off a box of brand new shoes for us to take to Vietnam and Cambodia in October. 30 pairs!!! #vietnam #cambodia #payitforward #hockeyjerseysforhope

New Donation!! A friend just dropped off a box of brand new shoes for us to take to Vietnam and Cambodia in October. 30 pairs!!! #vietnam #cambodia #payitforward #hockeyjerseysforhope

Hockey Jerseys for Hope heading to #arusha #tanzania #africa #canada #hope #soccer #soccercanada #bostonbruins #philadelphiaflyers #edinaminnesota #edina #payitforward #iamcanadian #iamcanadian13th #auroua #aurouasoccer

Hockey Jerseys for Hope heading to #arusha #tanzania #africa #canada #hope #soccer #soccercanada #bostonbruins #philadelphiaflyers #edinaminnesota #edina #payitforward #iamcanadian #iamcanadian13th #auroua #aurouasoccer

Wrong sport 🤔
