Smoky Lake County
The County contains a land area of 3,412.81 square km.
The County’s population was 2,716 as of 2011, an increase of 16% from 2006.
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Don't forget to join us today for our Spring Tea...
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NOTICE OF HEARING -- ENVIRONMENTAL APPEALS BOARD for complete details regarding this issue, please visit
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Please be aware - - there are many volunteers cleaning the shoulders and ditches on Alberta Highways today.
Second Budget Meeting of the week is starting now -- Taxation Bylaw 1302-17
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Council have appointed Ethan Jones and Zach Tychkowsky as weed / pest inspectors to the Agricultural Dept. for the 2017 season -- Congratulations gentlemen
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Smoky Lake County Agricultural poster contest entries brightening up council chambers. Great job kids!
the first of two budget meetings has started... for complete information, visit --
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The May issue of Fire Newsletter is now available on line at
Graders have been diligently addressing the rough road conditions left behind by recent snow. A full round of all grader beats takes 7-8 days. Only one grader beat in the Northeast corner of the County has experienced a delay due to rain. Your patience is appreciated. We are getting to all roads asap. Thanks, and stay safe!
Today's public service announcement: Vehicle owners with last names beginning with "C" or "N" must renew their vehicle registrations in May!
Government of Alberta Ministry of Transportation: Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Helmet Law
Good afternoon, Bill 36 An Act to Enhance Off-Highway Vehicle Safety received Royal Assent on April 11, 2017 with an in force date set for May 15, 2017. This means that effective May 15, 2017, helmets will be mandatory for those riding off-highway vehicles (OHVs) on public land. OHVs include any motorized vehicle built for cross-country travel on land, ice, and snow. Common types of OHV are all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), snowmobiles, dirt bikes, utility terrain vehicles, and side-by-sides. The details in the amendments to the Traffic Safety Act and Off-Highway Vehicle Regulation reflect the valued input received from individual Albertans, organizations, and communities, like yours. The law aligns helmet safety standards with those used for motorcycles, creates requirements regarding the condition and use of helmets, sets fine amounts for those not complying, and specifies exemptions. These include exempting OHV users from the requirement to wear a helmet when riding on private property; riding on First Nations Reserve and Metis Settlement lands; using an OHV with safe, manufacturer supplied rollover protective structures and seat belts that are worn; and riding for work where Alberta’s occupational health and safety laws do not require helmet use, for example for farming and ranching workers. The details in the law seek to recognize the diversity in OHV use and in OHV riders in Alberta. Thank you for taking part in our engagement and for helping to reduce injuries and fatalities. More information on new OHV helmet law is available through the following links: OHV Helmet Law Webpage – OHV Helmet Laws Frequently Asked Questions - Bill 36 - Traffic Safety Act and Off-Highway Vehicle Regulation – Regards. Office of Traffic Safety Alberta Transportation Government of Alberta 511 Alberta - Alberta’s Official Road Reports
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For a full listing of this month's meetings and happening in our county, visit: