Confiez-nous la santé de vos pieds!
Soins a domicile
Prise de sang chez vous, au travail ou à notre bureau de Beloeil. Tarifs compétitifs!!! Résultats envoyés directement à votre médecin. Rapide et simple!
Le Prix Hippocrate reconnait et honore l’interdisciplinarité médecins / pharmaciens dans l’exercice d’une activité professionnelle dans l’esprit des lois.
STAVE Off "Strength Training, Aging, Vitality and Energy" Providing you with resources to keep fit & healthy through the best years of your life
Vetrex is an innovative animal health sales and marketing company working with key partners to provide quality products and services to veterinarians.
Clinique de physiothérapie, gym, ostéopathie, massothérapie, kinésiologie et acupuncture. 418 838-0642
Massothérapie de technique suédoise, spécialité thérapeutique et sportif
Licence RBQ 8319-3755-45 - Membre de l'APCHQ
Superior General Maintenance and Renovations has been in business since 2001 over the years we have been fortunate to be able to attract talented people to join our team with a wide array of talents . We offer complete interior renovations
Hôtel & Spa situé à 5 minutes du Vieux-Québec et de la Chute-Montmorency | Hotel & Spa located 5 minutes from Old Quebec and Montmorency Fall
Come on down to Saskatoon's year-round paradise!
The Acadia Students' Union is a not-for-profit student run organization that represents over 3000 students at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
Fitness: Spin, PraiseMoves, Stretching Strong, & Personal Training. SUP: Paddle Board Rentals, Tours, & Classes. Retail: Art & Clothing
Family Restaurant
Kingston General Hospital (KGH) is an academic health sciences centre fully affiliated with Queen's University and is located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.