Don Bosco International is the organization bridging Salesians of Don Bosco with European Institutions and other international organizations in Europe DBI provides a platform for institutional dialogue by the Congregation in Europe in order to have an active presence among the many international organisations that exist.
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facebook.comStarting one of the most hectic weeks of the year in Brussels - LLL Week - Vocational and Skills Week - International Day of the Rights of the Child We will keep you posted in all the events in which Don Bosco International is taking part. or intervening!
ANS publica nuestra crónica sobre el Congreso de COMECE en el Vaticano sobre repensar la Unión Europea y la contribución de la Iglesia a ese cambio, que vuelva a poner a la persona y al bien común en el centro del discurso político.
Salesians uphold children's rights all over the world. Here we are in Brussels taking part in the 11th European Forum on the Rights of the Child, focusing on children deprived of their liberty and on alternatives to detention. Left to right: Fr Antoine Farrugia from Malta, representing Don Bosco International (Belgium), Helene Muller from France (Director of Grandir Dignement, particularly active in Madagascar and Niger and lends a hand in Project Valdocco in France with P. Jean-Marie Petitclerc) and Gary O'Farrell (from Don Bosco Care in Dublin, Ireland). We're hearing some powerful testimonies and speeches here from some people with big hearts who work with and advocate on behalf of young people whose rights are at risk, even in today's world.
Today our executive secretary Angel Gudiña represents us in Strasbourg in the religious dimension intercultural dialogue: Migrants and refugees: challenges and opportunities - what role for religious and non-religious groups? DBI Shared the educational work of many Salesian provinces and Salesian Family Groups on supporting the integration of unaccompanied minors living in many European countries
DBI is participating in this event, on the Rights of the Child.
We share a survey on decent work that we are doing together with European Sunday Alliance to continue promoting work life balance
Waiting this moment with illusion!!!!
Yesterday in a very difficult moment for him as archbishop of Barcelona Card. Omella, who knows well the work of Salesians, we dialogued and prayed together for Catalonia and Spain! He shared a prayer for all! Dialogue for Europe thanks to Comece European Bishops and Holy See 🇻🇦!
(ANS – Bruselas) – El 12 de octubre se celebró en Bruselas un importante taller dedicado a las actividades relacionadas con instrucción y formación en el ámbito de las escuelas de formación profesional, donde también ha participado el mundo salesiano, con la intervención de Barbara Terenzi por parte del Don Bosco International (DBI) y el Voluntariado Internacional para el Desarrollo (VIS).
Don Bosco International will be there representing the Salesian Congregation in such a big event for the future of Europe and the contribution of the Catholic Church
Hoy en el día internacional para la erradicación de la pobreza compartimos está noticia en ANS en la que difundimos el posicionamiento político de los Salesianos en su lucha contra la pobreza, con especial atención a la infancia y juventud.