Hi My name is Lady D and I am a Psychic. My newly created company is all about giving people Joy and Hope.
I host Psychic parties and also cater.
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I Have had a request to do another celebrity prediction so here it is. Nicole Kidman I feel she is a kind, Level headed, Funny and witty She is the star of the show She stresses a lot about things she can’t change I feel that she takes a lot on and likes to keep herself busy. In 2017 there may be some trouble in her marriage but she will sort it out she may spend more time in Australia this year for work I see her constant switching from TV to Movies She is a talented sole and I feel that she may start to have some money issues.
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The signs and messages are all around us #message #messagesfromtheuniverse #signs #psychicreadings #signsfromabove
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Card 3 I feel this is a really good card hard times are over and it’s now time to party you are being showered with gifts from sprite and you have reached the end of the rainbow and have received a pot of gold. I feel a wish has come true for you or will be within the next 8 months or so. For those who haven’t made any wishes now is the time to so I am being told to make 3 realistic ones for the year I feel that you have a strong and positive aura. You might need to get your eyes checked or you can see a situation more clearly now. I feel everything will now start to open up for you and that this year may be an easier year for you the infinity symbol is also standing out to me.
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Card 2 Colours of the rainbow you may need to work on your chakras feel they could be out of alignment. Love opportunity Aug this year or taking the next step in a relationship could be on the cards. There could be some sort of gathering in maybe march this could be a celebration of some sort. You will blossom and start to come out of your shell this year it’s your time to shine and leave the past behind you You need to trust your intuition and gut feeling on an issue I am hearing the word Guidance
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Card 1 Peace offering for those in trouble times. Your need to look with in you know the answer to your problems this will also give you inner peace I Feel that you may feel a bit down or under the weather this will change by June a new beginning will begin for you You are also being showered with love and guidance from loved ones in sprite I am told you need to look for the signs from them as well New Job maybe on the horizon and being told Good luck with that By end of June you all should fell much better, ecstatic I am also hearing the song walking on Sun shine
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Pick a card and I will post a reading for each card later today 🔮
I read for a friend around this time last year and while I actually don’t remember what I had said to her. This week she thanked me for the reading and said that the reading still to this day makes her feel better about her father’s passing. Just a reminder why I do this work and why I love to read for people I believe readings should always be a form of healing and hope and if I have made someone feel better about a situation than that’s a job well done for me.
Lady D's Psychic Parties | Other Wedding & Parties | Gumtree Australia Bankstown Area - East Hills | 1135401706
Today's message You are what you think. Think positive thoughts 🔮👼🌈
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Always make wishes and keep them close to your heart. #messagesfromtheuniverse #message #wishes #psychicreadings
I will be on platform at The Hills Spiritualist Centre on Sunday 15th Jan 5 Hartley Rd, Seven Hills Service will start at 3pm hope to see you all there.