Medical One is a leading provider of health care services in Victoria and South Australia.
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The final day of Movember is here! Our Mo Bro's have made such an amazing effort during the month and are looking so very handsome! It's your last chance to make a donation. Show your support toward this worthy cause #movember #medicalone #supportingmenshealth #mentalhealth #november
Medical One
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Meet Anu, Clinical Psychologist, Sunshine: I am a clinical psychologist, and have been practicing for more than 8 years. I work with young people and adults, and I have extensive experience in the assessment and management of issues that may manifest in cognitive, emotional, behavioural and/or relationship difficulties, and the way these issues adversely impacting one’s quality of life and relationships.
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Get your free shingles vaccination today! Free to patients aged 70-79 years old. Contact Medical One Sunshine to make an appointment to talk to your doctor about shingles prevention and treatment options. Phone 9310 2947 or book online at
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Am I the only one noticing that the world's looking a bit more handsome these days? Movember is here and men everywhere are growing their moustaches for 30 days! However, you don't have to have a moustache to care about men's health! A group of daring Medical One gentlemen (aka Mo Bro’s) committed to supporting Movember from November 1. You can show support by donating at one of the Medical One centres or online at All donations over $2 are tax deductible. The elite group of “moustached men” at Medical One appreciate your support. Learn about the important work Movember is funding and the impact your donation will have:
The science of immunisation | Australian Academy of Science
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There will be lots of holiday fun at Sunshine Plaza including the Wiggles fun zone, 28th - 30th between 11:00am - 2:00pm.
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Have you registered for your My health record? Having a My Health Record means your important health information like allergies, current conditions and treatments, medicine details, pathology reports or diagnostic imaging scan reports can be digitally stored in one place. Healthcare providers like doctors, specialists and hospital staff can see these details online from anywhere at any time when they need to, such as in an accident or emergency. What you need to know: Your important healthcare information will be available in one place online that is easily accessible by your authorised doctors, specialists, or hospitals. Even if you move or travel interstate, the information can be viewed securely online, anywhere, any time. If you want, you can access your health information from any computer with an internet connection. You control who can see it. Once it’s set up you don’t need to do anything. In a medical emergency, healthcare providers connected to the My Health Record system can see your health information to provide you the best possible care quickly. If you want, you can list any allergies, adverse reactions and medical conditions you may have to help healthcare providers give you better advice and treatment. You won’t need to worry about having to remember and repeat your health history like medicines, details of chronic conditions, and dates of recent tests with different or new healthcare providers. The same goes for your children’s health history like immunisations and medical tests. You can register online for a My Health Record for you or a child at any time, otherwise the receptionist at any Medical One centre will assist you. Don’t forget to ask your GP to upload your My Health Record at your next consultation. For additional details, there is a help line provided: 1800 723 471
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Don't forget to ask someone today... Staying connected and having meaningful conversations is something we can all do. You don't need to be an expert - just a great mate and a good listener. So, if you notice someone who might be struggling - start a conversation. Small acts of kindness like listening without judgement and providing support could make all the difference to someone struggling with a mental illness.
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#itsokaytotalk Meet part of our IT team at Medical One Support Office, Ian, Anthony & Johnny. They are standing up for Men’s Health. These guys weren’t individually nominated however the craze behind this social media campaign stems from Luke Ambler, the rugby league player who is urging men to talk about mental health problems & wants to halve the rate of male suicides in five years. In 2014, there were 2,160 males and 704 females that died by suicide, a total of 2,864 deaths which equates to an average of 7.8 deaths by suicide in Australia each day. Teens and young adults who live with mental illness can feel hopeless and alone. Because of the stigma attached to mental illness, it’s often hard for those suffering and their families and friends to talk about what they’re going through. But help is available, and it works. The following services are available to support and assist people from various groups and communities who are facing mental health difficulties. Source: The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), released 8th of March 2016.
Immunisation rates climb on back of No Jab No Pay policy
NO JAB, NO PAY. The Federal government's 'No Jab, No Pay' policy to overcome vaccination objectors has worked. Nearly 6,000 children whose parents were receiving childcare payments have now been immunised bringing the vaccination rate to 93%, only 2 points from the 95% goal. Source 7 news Sydney.