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Port Augusta Running Club

7 Chapel St, Port Augusta, Australia
Train Station



Run Club
5km, 10km, 21km, 42km, Cross country

Athlete Training
Strength and Conditioning


Starting back up in October :)

Why water makes u tired Spend a day at the pool or an hour swimming laps and you feel spent. Water-related tiredness often occurs after a water workout or time passed splashing away in the summer sun. Many reasons exist as to why the body experiences weariness after swimming, everything from aerobic fatigue to water temperature Water temperature affects how you feel after swimming. Cold water can cause muscle strain due to a decrease in blood flow, and also the body must work harder to stay warm. Warm pools tend to increase the body temperature, which may lead to fatigue Also factors like - It Uses Major Muscle Groups - It Is an Aerobic Exercise - It Uses Resistance - The chlorine in pools can affect lungs, resulting in exercise-induced breathing problems and tiredne

Swimming 6am Wednesday

Running group 6pm Water tower - intervals Interval training, alternating bursts of speed with longer recovery intervals, is now considered a beneficial exercise for more than just athletes. Interval training can consist of bursts of speed for a set amount of time or for a distance. These intervals are then followed by a longer period of rest with either walking or jogging, depending on your fitness level. This type of training helps to improve aerobic capacity, which benefits heart health as well as weight loss.

6am Monday @ gulf and ranges 5km and 10km tracks planned out

Great alternative session to running group, keeping them joins healthy and can't forget the Maui Jim's from Gulf and Ranges Optometrist

Running group Wednesday 6am @ Port Augusta swimming pool Bring (not a necessity) Towel, goggles, flippers, swimming gear and no need for running shoes Why are we swimming tomorrow ? As water is thicker than air you encounter a lot more resistance, causing your heart rate to increase substantially, strengthening your muscles and joints. The buoyancy of the water allows recovery and injury prevention You may prefer to keep your feet on dry land, but for the sake of thwarting injuries and maintaining fitness, you won’t get a better return on your investment than from swimming. Serving as an ideal form of active recovery for runners, swim sessions allow you to increase endurance and oxygen capacity, while giving your weary legs a break from all that pavement pounding.

Monday 6am gulf and rangers optom 7km run 5km Rehab run

Braddock oval Monday 6am


NEAR Port Augusta Running Club