A Passionate Home Building Specialist, who is fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese & Malay. I can help YOU build your OWN home right here in Perth WA! I have firsthand experience on what it’s like when building your own home - having built myself. Speaking fluent English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay.No matter who you are or your circumstances, I will help YOU find the best package to suit your preferences and budget.
First Home Owners, I know exactly how you can escape that rent trap and move into a place you can call your own! It really is achievable, if I can do it...YOU can too.
Property Investors, looking for a house & land package that is great value and high on ROI? Get in contact with me, I'll help you source out the perfect fit.
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HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!! One of the things that I am most proud in life, is being Australian. I am so lucky to be part of a country full of opportunities and most importantly, as residents we have freedom of speech. With so much going on in the world, we should count our blessings, cherish and celebrate Australia. #IWILLALWAYSCALLAUSTRALIAHOME
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House and Land Packages with beautiful designs and quality inclusions starting from only $360,000. Now is the time, to own an AFFORDABLE home of your own. Find out more today! | Jason Lee | 0403 295 861 | |
Calls flood in about $15k first home grant
There's been a flooding of calls since first home owners grant increased to $15K!! Why? people know that a deal like this will not last. If you follow the property market stats, prices and deals available, there should be enough clues to show that NOW is the time to build your own home! Give me a call, I will help you achieve your home ownership goals. Jason Lee: 0403 295 861
9 tips of a young property tycoon
This is Stephanie, she's 24 and has a $2.3 million portfolio built in under 3 years. It comes to show that age and gender does not define your success. Have you been thinking of starting or building your portfolio? I would love to be apart of your journey! Together we can strive to achieve your goals, no matter how small or large they may be. 0403 295 861 |
Perth House and Land Packages - LEEGION HOMES by Jason Lee
House and Land package Northern Costal Suburbs starting from only $340,000. Find out more via our website | Jason Lee | 0403 295 861 |
Perth Market Snapshot for the week ending 17 January
A fantastic opportunity for FIRST HOME BUYERS to enter the market NOW! Take advantage of the 15K Grant increase, REIWA Statistics are showing current great improvement in the Perth property market. Get in before it becomes too late! Give me a call to find out how today. | Jason Lee | 0403 295 861 |
Perth best northern coastal suburb to BUILD your own home in 2016 & 2017 - LEEGION HOMES by Jason Lee
LOOKING TO BUILD YOUR OWN HOME IN PERTH'S NORTHERN COASTAL SUBURBS? Click the link below to find out where to exactly build in 2017. YES to breathing fresh air, sea water for well-being and that dose of vitamin D. For more info, give me a buzz now: 0403 295 861 |
Apprentice to expert: 29 year old has nine properties and counting
WANT TO SAVE 30K FOR YOUR FIRST HOME? Do what this twenty something did... Stop renting and move back home for a year. AND THIS IS WHY HE'S GOT 9 PROPERTIES AND COUNTING. "A lot of young people say their parents would never give them money towards a home. I say don’t ask for money, ask them to back you... You say, ‘Mum and Dad, we’re coming back [home] for 12 months and in that time we’re going to save $30,000’. If you go to them with a plan then they’re probably going to want to support you because you’re being proactive." Plus you can enjoy mama's cooking on the daily 😜 Need guidance on how you can build your first home? Contact me on: 0403 295 861 or
How Mark managed his money when he got his first job
Quick video on how young couples can think ahead and set yourselves up for the future. Like Mark said, you don't have to be surviving on baked beans to own your first home. The sky's the limit with some smart financial decisions. "I don't believe I'm sacrificing a lot, I don't live in a shack eating baked beans. I live a good life, I just think things like cars and getting loans when you don't need them, when it's not a necessity, things like that might be what are driving young people into hard financial spots." 0403 295 861 |
First Home Owners Grant Increase to $15,000 in 2017 - LEEGION HOMES by Jason Lee FIRST HOME BUYERS! THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY THANKS TO THE GOVERNMENT!! Give me a call to find out more. Have a Great Sunday!!! :) | Jason Lee | 0403 295 861 | Leegion Homes |
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I sure am excited to be back 😄😄😄 2017 is going to be dynamic, I have so many exciting opportunities for you all! FROM COMPETITIONS TO HOUSE & LAND EXCLUSIVES. Check back reguarly and you will know what I mean. Again cheers to our supportive community, I am very thankful for you all. Let us all start and progress through 2017 with adventure, empowerment and constant laughter. Jason 😃 0403 295 861 |
Ellenbrook Town Centre
FIRST HOME BUYERS! I've got some AFFORDABLE and funky alternatives to suburban living – a brilliant home/townhouse hybrid. FROM ONLY $390k No garden. No strata. No limits. Be apart of the internationally award-winning Ellenbrook community. The city is just 35 minutes away. With Guildford, the Swan Valley and Perth Hills all on your radar. Click on the video below for more suburb info. Contact me on: 0403 295 861 or #firsthomebuyers #perthhomes #ellenbrook