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Goals International

19 Ogilvie Road, Mount Pleasant, Perth, Australia



We offer an excellent selection of real estate and Brian Tracy business & personal development programs designed to accelerate success. We specialise in helping companies and individuals who are serious about bottom-line profit improvement.

We have been recognised as one of the Western Australia’s premier training and development companies and have helped individuals and business organisations solve personal, professional, and organisational challenges.

The excellent selection of real estate and Brian Tracy business and personal development programs we offer are considered by our clients to be instrumental in setting the foundation for excellence in personal development, leadership, goal-setting, time-management, team building, communicating, sales training, and many other strategic corporate and personal initiatives.

These programs are presented in practical and interactive workshops, structured around adult learning methodologies very key to long term retention.

All workshops are facilitated by qualified trainers. Their modular format allows flexibility in meeting the specific training needs and timetables of clients.


Create Healthy Relationships with Open Effective Communication

Never expect the other person to read your mind!

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There are 6 key times for you to ask questions in the sales conversation: 1. To get the appointment 2. To build rapport and a friendly relationship. Remember people only want to do business with people they know, like and trust. 3. To get information about the client’s situation. Never assume you know your client’s circumstance and situation, and never mention your product or service until you do. 4. To present information in the form of questions, a great opportunity to use negative and hypothetical questions. 5. To handle objections. 6. To ask for the business.

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There are 4 basic types of questions you need to learn to be an effective communicator: 1. Open-ended questions – start with words ‘what, when, who, where and why’. They cannot be answered with a yes or no 2. Closed-ended questions – start with such verbs as, ‘is, are, can, do, and will’. These questions must be answered with a yes or no 3. Negative answer questions – if a customer says ‘no’, it indicates possible interest in your offering. For example, ‘Are you happy with your existing situation or product?’ 4. Hypothetical questions – such as, ‘what if…?’ questions are used to suggest possible courses of action or to deal with objections. For example: ‘What if we could offer a service that took care of that problem?’ Remember the person who asks the questions has control of the conversation!

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Weekly Blog: Technician, Manager or Entrepreneur. Who do I need to be? - Goals International Focal Point

Weekly Blog: As a business owner should you be working on your business and not in your business?

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There are two essential rules for success in selling and in interpersonal communication: 1. Telling is not selling – never say it if you can put it in the form of a question 2. The person who asks the questions has control – the more questions you ask, the more you control the conversation.

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Did you know that the top 10% of people in all industries are highly skilled at asking careful, well thought-out questions? Questions arrest and hold the attention of the individual until he or she has answered. Asking rather than talking is the key to being a powerful communicator.

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Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life

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Your time is limited, don’t wasted living someone else life…


If you are playing it safe you are not going to win. It is by trying things that you can figure out how far you can go. You have got to get out of the box!

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The look you should have at the end of every week. It all starts with an ideal working week, gaining clarity on exactly what needs to be done during the week and then prioritising each task to ensure that the most important ones are done as early as possible in the week.

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