The Katina Woodruff Children's Foundation
The Katina Woodruff Children's Foundation exists to repair young lives and to help with the unique challenges of child immigration. The Katina Woodruff Children's Foundation exists to repair young lives and to help with the unique challenges of child immigration, a traumatic transition affecting many children in Australia.
The Foundation supports children within Australia in rebuilding their lives following past or current trauma, adjusting to a new language and culture and building skills to fully participate in Australian life and their community.
The Foundation offers its services free of charge to schools who have students in desperate need of support. The goal is to enable the children as well as their families to continue their successful transition following the completion of intensive involvement in their lives and homes.
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facebook.comRefugee children given opportunity to learn again through Intensive English Centres
An excellent article highlighting needs very similar to those of the children we work with.
Timeline Photos
We are thrilled to welcome Donna West as the newest member of our board! Donna is director of coastal facilities management at the WA government Department of Transport in Fremantle, where she has 20 years of experience. She is also a Leadership WA Fellow, graduating from the program in 2014 and has completed post graduate studies in business at the University of Western Australia. Being married to a Mauritian immigrant, Donna has empathy for some of the challenges children face when moving to a new country with a vastly different culture and language.
Timeline Photos
Today we received the cheque for coming first place in Grill'd Fremantle's Local Matters program during November last year. Pictured with Katina are store managers Nick Strachan and Jack Clemmett. Thank you Grill'd Freo and everyone who had a burger for us!
We are delighted and proud to be associated with the multi-talented and hilarious Joe White! Joe will be performing his show ‘Ethiopian & Still Not Hungry’ as part of the 2017 Fringe World Festival Perth on February 2, 3 and 4 with part proceeds going to the Katina Woodruff Children’s Foundation. Thank you, Joe, for your kind compassion and generosity!
The Katina Woodruff Children's Foundation, Inc. —
Do you know that you can donate to honour someone special or mark a celebration? Please consider making a gift of lasting significance this Christmas - all donations are tax deductible.
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Two days to go and our jar has almost been filled a third time. Thank you for your kind and generous support!
Timeline Photos
We've been filled twice so far! Will you help make it a third?
Grill'd Local Matters
We've been selected to participate in Local Matters at Grill’d Fremantle for November! Local Matters is the Grill’d community donation program that sees each Grill’d restaurant donate $500 back into the community every month. The donation is split between 3 local community groups $300 / $100 / $100. HOW YOU CAN HELP? We’d love your support in receiving the highest $300 donation! Simply head to Grill’d Fremantle before the end of November for a burger and pop your Local Matters token in our jar. The group with the most tokens at the end of the month receives the largest donation. It’s a simple (and delicious) way to show your support! You’ll find us on a jar at Grill’d Fremantle, 17 South Terrace cnr Collie St Fremantle.
Bayswater: refugee teen reaps rewards with nomination in WA Youth Award | Community News Group
Check out Ali's story, an asylum seeker from Pakistan who has overcome the challenges of adjusting to life in Australia to be nominated for a WA youth award, go Ali!!
Deng Adut the 2017 NSW Aussie of the Year
Congratulations Deng Adut. Yours is a story of tremendous triumph over adversity and embodies the strength of multiculturalism.
The Forgotten Children
Refugee and migrant children have strong dreams, hopes and aspirations. They so greatly deserve the opportunity and support to realise them.
Riace: The Italian village abandoned by locals, adopted by migrants - BBC News