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Racesolutions Driver Trainer Insurance

22 Japaddy Street, Mordialloc, Australia
Automotive Company



Are you a Driver Trainer that contracts to Promoters or other Driver Trainers. Do you do Defensive, High Performance, Manufacturer Launches.  RACESOLUTIONS Motorsport is putting together an Insurance policy for all Driver Trainers to enable good cover for everyone at a great price. So if you are a contractor for any promoter or any organisation them this effects you.
We ain to cover Driver Trainers doing
Defensive Courses Level 1 & Level 2
Driver Training
High Performance Training
Race Car Instruction
Manufacturer Launches
Media Launches
TV Advertisements
Road Loop Launch
Race Track Launch
Race Car Rides & Drive Programs
Rally Instruction & Ride Days.
If you have any other special requirement let us know.
Driver Trainer Insurance has not been an area of concern for tracks and venues to date but the bar has been shifted and now most Queensland venues are asking to site Driver Trainer Professional Indemnity and AASA requires it for Tarmac Rallying Instructors. So circuits are set to follow soon.
The way it works is the more we sign up the better the price.
please email me for a form if you would like to be involved.
Peter Hackett and Renato Laberto are both forwarding on forms to Instructors so if you have it already please fill in and sent back to your contact. We need them all in by the 1st of March for pricing
Marty Doxey


Final days to get your paper work in for us to complete the quote. If you are a driver trainer then you need to cover yourself. If you are a promoter or lease instructor and use driver trainers then yes you are responsible for your contractors and must make sure they have Insurance as you are still liable if they crash or are injured. Thanks

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High Performance Drive Days

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4WD Driver Training

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Road Loops: Cover for Instructors

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Racesolutions Driver Trainer Insurance's cover photo

Racesolutions Driver Trainer Insurance's cover photo

Dear Driver Trainers RACESOLUTIONS Motorsport is putting together an Insurance policy for all Driver Trainers to enable good cover for everyone at a great price. So if you are a contractor for any promoter or any organisation them this effects you. We ain to cover Driver Trainers doing Defensive Courses Level 1 & Level 2 Driver Training High Performance Training Race Car Instruction Manufacturer Launches Media Launches TV Advertisements Road Loop Launch Race Track Launch Race Car Rides & Drive Programs Rally Instruction & Ride Days. If you have any other special requirement let us know. Driver Trainer Insurance has not been an area of concern for tracks and venues to date but the bar has been shifted and now most Queensland venues are asking to site Driver Trainer Professional Indemnity and AASA requires it for Tarmac Rallying Instructors. So circuits are set to follow soon. The way it works is the more we sign up the better the price. please email me for a form if you would like to be involved. Peter Hackett and Renato Loberto are both forwarding on forms to Insturctors so if you have it already please fill in and send back to your contact. We need them all in by the 1st of March for pricing Thanks Marty Doxey

Racesolutions Driver Trainer Insurance

Racesolutions Driver Trainer Insurance


NEAR Racesolutions Driver Trainer Insurance


Mordialloc, Australia
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Cafe 204

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