Please DO NOT copy anything you see me doing with any of these animals. I'm a trained professional with many years experience.
Stay safe!!!
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facebook.comHere's the news I spoke about earlier in my other previous post. Here's some background information about myself first. A little over 10 years ago both elle and myself moved to Nanango, Queensland after living in Dalby for 2 years, that's where I first became a licensed snake catcher and am self taught as I've never attended any courses. A lot was different back then as there was no such thing as Facebook,so all advertising was done through cold canvassing, word of mouth and of course the local newspaper The Dalby Herald who I had a great report with them. So what I'm saying is the majority of my snake catching career has been developed in the south burnett and during that time I did away with the snake tongs and learned a different catching technique hook and tailing through listening to the advice of other snake catchers and mates that kept venemous snakes in their collection. I approached Gunter Glaser after seeing his add in the back of the country focus and asked permission to start catching in his area. To my surprise he agreed to this and even said that he works away a fair bit so that would come handy as he'd be able to refer all those calls to me. This excited me and after a year I secured a full time position in a peanut factory, I explained to the boss that I may get called away to catch snakes but don't worry I'll just take that time off the time sheet .He happily agreed to this but after 8 years of working there and putting up with all kinds of abuse and crap from them my position was terminated. But I believe where one door shuts another opens so I decided to register the business name SOUTH BURNETT SNAKE CATCHERS 24/7 a friend Kelly Randall designed the logo for me which I really appreciate. And a few years before that my wife bought me a go pro for Christmas . I thought this would make a great useful tool to capture the snakes being caught so I could educate the public by posting those videos to my page. Of course with something like this come your skeptics but I've defied the odds and have even broken down some fear barriers in the short time this page has been running. As with everything you get your haters but that's just life however you do get to meet some lovely positive people that makes it worth while. The point of this post is this after many years of servicing the south burnett Gunter has decided to sell up and move so therefore I'll be the only licensed snake catcher. I wish both gunter and his wife the best for their future and it was an honour to be able to take those calls for you mate and vice versa when I was busy you'd attend the calls for me. That being said with the help of my good mate Dave Wiedman we'll be training up two new catchers for this area so we can provide the best possible service to you and also I'll be getting public liability insurance. The fees may go up subject to cover cost for insurance ....Do not fear pensioners you'll still get your discount and 80 years and over will be free of charge provided they live local . I will also be Giving you the choice if you need an invoice as I understand not a lot of people have cash on them. You'll have seven days to make payment unless other arrangements have been made prior, also PayPal will be accepted with an additional charge. Remember people this is a legitimate business just as if it was an electrical business or pest controller. So there you have it some exciting changes ahead for sbsnakecatchers .Thank you to all that have supported me so far and thanks for sharing the posts and videos. Yours faithfully lic snake catcher Christian Andersen .
Timeline Photos
Sometimes as a licensed snake catcher we have to deal with some not very nice people, and then the majority are really friendly and easy to get along with. In fact I've made a few friends from doing this. This really made my day after receiving this letter of appreciation and thanks and a couple of scratchies from an elderly couple that I removed a snake for that was in their lounge room.Many many thanks
This was very cool and a huge shout out goes to Darryl Robinson for referring me and also giving out some very good advice to this lady. This is a hatchling eastern brown snake and yes still highly venomous at this size and age as I explain in this video. The lady has a 5 year old daughter so she thought it was best for me to relocate this little cutie. I'm glad I did as on the left of me were also a family of red back spiders and they would've easily made a meal out of this snake. As you'll see in the video when they're babies they're not as easy to tail 😂being so small there's not much to grab onto so therefore I tried to pick it up with just the little hook but unfortunately it decided to try and escape inside some channeling inside the garage door so the only thing I could then do was grab the tail and gently pull it out.
Two weeks ago I was called out to this house as a lady stated she had a brown coloured snake inside her wall mounted air conditioning unit. She first noticed it when watching her favorite show Pretty little liars, the little snake poked it's head out from a hole and that obviously startled the lady and a quick Google search found my number. It was an extremely hot day in nanango reaching the mid 40's so when I got the call that a snake was found inside an air con it was hardly surprising . I thought however it would have been under the air con outside, not inside one in a house and definitely not a wall mounted one. Anyhow they thought it was just a harmless tree snake and given the description I thought the same also. Needless to say though I wasn't able to get it out or even locate it, but I did say if it ever came out give me a call and I'll come out straight away. Well yesterday it did come out after 2 weeks being inside that air con feasting on Asian house geckos.What surprised me however was the fact it wasn't a tree snake at all but in fact a common brown snake aka an eastern brown snake. And the lovely lady did everything I've explained before in my posts, contained the snake and kept watch til I arrived. Thank you for doing the sensible thing and calling me. This could have been a different story had they still thought it was a tree snake and picked it up themselves. THANK YOU 😊
So something has been brought to my attention lately and that is the number of people catching snakes themselves or attempting to catch them instead of calling a licensed snake catcher. Which is the legal thing to do as you are not allowed to interfere with native wildlife unless you have the appropriate permit/s. Let me take the time to make this very clear. ...UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU COPY THE TECHNIQUES YOU SEE DISPLAYED IN MY VIDEOS OR COPY ANY OTHER LICENSED SNAKE CATCHER. DOING SO WILL SURELY RESULT IN A BITE AND THAT COULD BE LIFE THREATENING! having said this brings me to the phone call I received yesterday I am not going to disclose names or location. But this is a timely reminder to ONLY call a licensed snake catcher. I make myself readily available so this sort of shit doesn't happen and that means sacrifices. I'm not saying this as a sales ploy or try to get you to feel sorry for me. .this was my decision when I took up the hook and bag almost 13 years ago. My family understands as my children want to follow in my footsteps and if they want to go down that road I'm more than happy to teach them everything I know. .. This person wasn't very bright at all. . This is how the phone call went yesterday. .Hi can you help me please I need some advice? Yeah sure what's up? Well I got my 14 year old neighbor to come and catch a baby red belly from inside my house and I'm not sure if he's been bitten or it tail whipped him. Babies aren't venomous are they? My reply was this. .of course they are they have the same venom toxicity as an adult. She didn't like this reply and started to get agitated then said but it's only a foot long. I said size is irrelevant when it comes to elapids (front fanged venomous snakes ) then I also said that's the importance of calling a licensed snake catcher so people don't put themselves in a position of being bitten and definitely not kids. Then she said look the ambulance is here now and hung up. .
Timeline Photos
Late night call out. .just removed this feisty cute carpet python from a couple's lounge room in yarraman. Seems as though it gained entrance via a dog door. So remember I'm available 24/7, it means exactly that. Long day lol had a property inspection out at teelah out near blackbutt then from there it was off to gayndah to look for a black snake someone saw in a business store room. Unfortunately the lady who saw it didn't shut the door and ran through the building in the opposite direction. It's imperative that you keep an eye on the snake until a licensed snake catcher can come and remove it for you. So lots of kms travelled today. .man I love my job 😍🐍..
Here's another call out I did earlier this week as you can hear this is the second part to this video. I'm not posting the first part as it's too long and tedious. Once you see it's size you'll then understand why it was so hard to get,anyhow I'm not going to ramble on. .enjoy the video
So another common brown snake, this specimen was different as it had banding, therefore the lovely people who called me thought it was a tiger snake. Unfortunately though there wasn't enough light to see the bands. .but needless to say still a good outcome as I've been there that other time catching that 5 foot brown snake inside their kitchen. Remember I'm not there to judge how people live I'm there to get the snake and educate those that want to learn. Huge shout out to Jade Gavin for standing outside the whole time keeping an eye on it when the blokes were too scared to come out. You did extremely well and cheers for taking the video to. 😀
This was one of three call outs I did yesterday /last night.This one was quiet an interesting one as in this family had been sharing a bedroom with the second most venomous snake in the world. I asked one of the young lads to share their story of events that led up to this capture. ..I must commend both young men Dylan Frahm and his brother Lucas .They listened to everything I said on what to do when they encountered this snake again.This is his story. .. On Friday night the 17th of February I went down stairs to put a load of washing in the dryer, about 11pm at night, and noticed a Brown Snake laying on the tile's in the laundry. As soon as it was aware of my presence, it went behind the hot water system and into a hole in the wall. My mother messaged Christian from SB Snake Catchers, and told him about it. He was happy to come and have a look if we see it again. The following night it was late again and my younger brothers noticed it moving in the laundry again. As there is a bedroom and rumpus room downstairs adjoining our laundry. But once again it slithered back behind the hot water system and through the wall. Sunday the 19th we didn't see it, but we believe we just missed it. Monday night I had a gut instinct to have a look, went downstairs checked laundry, rumpus room then the bedroom. Just as I went to enter the bedroom I saw him under the bed. Closed the door, covered the bottom of the door and rang Christian. We could watch it over the top of the wall, and it climbed up the T.V. and over the Xbox.It seemed agitated as it couldn't escape , it made its way on to the bed and even up a Storm's Jumper hanging on the wall. It would go to the door and try to escape through the the little gap but then after realising it couldn't get out it would then make it's way back to the end of room. Like it knew his way out. Christian turned up and caught him. What a relief, especially when you think of all the what if's?...Lucas Frahm.
Exciting changes are coming to south burnett snake catchers so stay tuned 😀. .
Hi everyone sometimes call outs for us catchers don't always go to plan.Infact I've seen some snakes escape right between the licensed snake catchers legs or they've escaped through a fence and unfortunately the gate is locked so the catcher couldn't get the snake. All these are funny scenarios and are a must to keep us snake catchers humble and not think we're king shit. In this video I get called out to a decent sized red bellied black snake that an elderly couple wanted relocated as they feared it would come into their yard and into their house. I can understand their concern but having said that I didn't want to relocate this beautiful specimen only purely because it was in it's natural environment and far enough away from their house. Now here's the funny part as I approached the snake it raised it's head and looked at me then if it could have talked I imagine it would have said something like "catch me if you can"...ok cue the benny hill soundtrack 😅😅😅😅I think I've watched this video way too many times and each time I've almost died with laughter. What you don't see though is it launched into the air and the head landed on my handle of the hoop bag and slithered into the bag. So I call this one Friday night funny. ..enjoy
North Vic Engines Cobram
Not sure if any of you have seen this yet ... This was shared to me from one of my viewers .Although hatchling brown snakes have been known to get trapped in spiders webs and then therefore get predated on by a hungry spider. That's fine but what isn't fine is shown in this video you can see quite clearly the fish hook embedded in the poor brown snake stopping it from escaping. You can also see by the erratic body movements that a fine fishing line is connected controlling the snake so it has no way to escape. Parks and wildlife should be informed as rspca and also the big one health and safety should be notified at once. I'm all for a bit of fun like cane toad races or if they want to take bets on lizard racing or whatever ,but what I'm not fine is idiots getting away with cruelty to animals not just snakes and other reptiles but dogs, cats, sharks and crocodiles and so on. People need to make a stand against this stupid immature behavior and say enough is enough. Stop the merciless killing of our animals if this continues then we'll only be able to see them in museums and our children will miss out. It starts with us let's lead by example.