Kingaroy SHS is a coeducational high school in regional Queensland, Australia.
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Don't forget to access this fortnight's newsletter on the Kingaroy SHS web page. #outtoday
Date change: Year 11 Leadership Day is now Friday 25 August (not 13/3 as previously advertised.
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Photos from Kingaroy State High School's post
Congratulations to all our student leaders for 2017
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Congratulations to year 9 student Tiarna, and Year 10 student Brenna who, as part of their Netball Excellence program achieved their National C badge for netball umpiring at the end of last year. Both girls have worked hard both at School as well as in Club and are now qualified to umpire at State events. Great work, girls.
All parents are invited to this year's Investiture Ceremony for the 2017 School captains, vice captains, sports captains, committee chairs, junior leaders and form captains. It will be held on Tuesday 14th February at 8:45am at the Sports Hall.
Photos from Kingaroy State High School's post
Well done to the awesome students who participated in today's inter-house swimming carnival. There were some excellent PBs by many students. Well done also to the age champions in each age group. Congratulations to Bradfield who nudged out Lavarack followed by Palmer and Youngman.
Attention – Year 10 Students and Parents/ Guardians Unique Student Identifier - USI This term, we are hoping to see all year 10 students logging into to create their Unique Student Identifier. I am asking all parents to assist your student with this at home over the next couple of weeks, whilst the computer rooms are being refurbished. All you need to do is: • Log into • Have a Birth Certificate or Medicare Card handy • Click on: I am a student and that you want to create a USI • Then follow the prompts When you have a Unique Student Identifier please email to along with the name of the student it belongs to. This will allow the school to add this to their student files.
PARENTS - In Queensland in sport as of this year, if your student is involved in school sport or any sort of representative sport you are required to fill in a Project Consent (PC) form for each event. eg if a child is in the School team that goes to South Burnett trials, then you will be required to fill in the PC form for that event. Then if the child makes the South Burnett team, you will be required to fill in a new PC form, and the same for Wide Bay. To try to help with this, we have put a copy of the document on the front page of the KSHS website so that you can save it on your home computer.
The Semester One Assessment Calendars are now on the front page of the School website. Your student should have also taken a paper copy home this week. PLEASE NOTE - the glitch has now been fixed and all year levels show the full semester of assessment.