Kellyville Chooks
Chicks & Chickens for Sale. Day olds to point of lay hens. Standard layers and rare breeds available. Young roosters available.
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Point of Lays now available ISA Browns $22ea
Baby chickens hatching now.. all different colours from eggcellent layer breeds.
Today only.. All Chicks $5 each !!
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Plenty Fertile Eggs... $20 doz be quick
Baby Chickens 0-12 days $6 each Fertile eggs $20 doz 1 x ISA Brown point of lay $23
Photos from Kellyville Chooks's post
Fresh frome their incubator ... Just hatched ... $6 each ...
* Point of Lay ISA Brown Hens $25ea !!! * Baby chickens unsexed 0-7day old mixed breeds, Australorp, ISA Brown, Light Sussex Araucana and more $5ea !!! * Fertile Chicken Eggs $20 doz !!!
Photos from Kellyville Chooks's post
Quick Sale!! 19 week old Australorp X Rooster!!! Ready to mate in a month!!! Not yet crowing!!! Only $10
Photos from Kellyville Chooks's post
Beautiful ISA Brown pullets, not far from laying. These girls will make great layers of large brown eggs ! $25 each
Plenty of Baby Chickens just hatched !!!!
Photos from Kellyville Chooks's post
Best thing about your own backyard chooks are the double yolk eggs... the smaller eggs is a hen that has just started to lay the middle egg is a standard daily egg and the monster egg is the double yolker egg !!
We have.... ▪ Point of Lay ISA Brown hens (pullets) !!! ▪ 6 week old ISA Brown pullets, no longer needing heat ▪ unsexed chicks from day olds to 6 week olds ▪ Fertile eggs available ▪ small bags of chick starter food Best time to buy these school holidays!!