Proactive Nutrition
ProActive Nutrition provides nutrition advice to support health, longevity and wellbeing to active individuals and families.
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This is great news for trail runners who no longer have to trek into the City for quality gear. Not to mention the amazing Cafe next door 😊
Female Runners and Stress Fractures - Is your diet to blame? | Proactive Nutrition | Nutritionist
Stress fractures are one of the top 10 injuries seen in runners with women more likely than men to develop one. My latest blog discusses the role your diet and the intake of specific nutrients can play in your bone health.
Photos from Proactive Nutrition's post
Super happy with my trip to IKEA today where I managed to buy fill your own ice block containers. Then found squeezy pouches in Good Guys for yogurt or even homemade running gels. So much healthier than sugar laden, chemical storm found in commercial varieties. #score #loveabargain #readyforsummer
This week is National Nutrition Week! This years focus is on eating your vegetables. Sounds simple, yet so many people struggle to eat their recommended 5 serves per day. See my blog post below for some inspiration on how you and your family can easily increase your daily veggie intake.
Precision Nutrition
Most endurance athletes consider a lean physique essential to optimal performance. This article highlights the dangers of being too lean, especially for women.
Proactive Nutrition's cover photo
Portion size guide
One thing many people struggle with is portion sizes and no-one has time to be weighing and measuring everything. There are many infographics out there but this one is my favourite and really covers all the basics.
Timeline Photos
Magnesium deficiency is one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in adults, with an estimated 80 percent being deficient in this vital mineral. It is associated with many health complaints from fatigue to cramps, migraines and insomnia. This infographic demonstrates 9 benefits of ensuring your diet is high in magnesium rich foods such as leafy greens, beans, nuts and seeds.
If and when to ingest caffeine is a common question I get asked by athletes. This article by leading sports scientist Asker Jeukendrup provides some good insights based on a solid research study.
Help Pentecost's Men Of League Pushathon make a difference
So excited to be helping athlete Nathan Pentecost with his fuelling for his 24hr wheelchair fundraiser. He's aiming to cover 100km around Penrith Regatta Centre. See below for his donations page and get behind this inspirational guy.
9 Science-Based Ways for Athletes to Lose Weight
Combining weight loss and performance gains can be tricky. This article provides some good general advice. If you are struggling with reaching weight loss goals or find your performance is being affected seeking specific individualised advice is recommended.
Photos from Proactive Nutrition's post
Had such an amazing weekend in Chamonix taking part in the Marathon Du Mont Blanc running festival. Saw so many amazing, inspirational runners over 3 events; 80km, 42km and 22km.