Comprehensive physio treatment tailored to each individual.
Physio,acupuncture,clinical Pilates.
For the health & wellbeing of your family & community. We treat the whole individual.
Every individual is different so we seek to understand:
The Physical You –your sport, exercise, genetic make-up, posture and any existing injuries
The Personal You –your approach to your health and emotional wellbeing, which can influence your overall health
The Emotional You –the requirements of your job, the demands of family and other commitments that affect your physical wellbeing
This is the biopsychosocial model, an approach David Adams has been following throughout his 25 years of private practice.
But we’re in this together – We believe prevention is just as important as cure, and encourage you to take an active part in your recovery. David will show you how to manage your injury to avoid further damage and to prevent pain.
A holistic approach to treatment combining Eastern and Western philosophies.
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facebook.comSpecial offer from The Family Food Store!! All our new patients are given a folder at the end of their first appointment containing a welcome letter outlining our treatment philosophy and information relevant to the issue they are seeing us for. We also like to include health based information and tips to help every patient we see maintain optimum health and wellbeing. This is all a part of our commitment to providing a physiotherapy practice with a truly holistic approach to your health. With that in mind, our good friends at The Family Food Store have jumped on board and provided us with a collection of their super healthy, family friendly recipes to include in our folders. Each recipe includes nutritional information so you know exactly what you and your family are eating. On top of that, they have also very kindly included a voucher for 50% off your first Family Food Box! 👍💵 The Family Food Store is a local business who creates nutritious, family friendly, ready to make meals delivered to your door. They use locally sourced produce from local markets. Check them out at Now because we are all friends, and we believe in the value of good health......if you would like a copy of one of their recipes and a 50% off voucher......just ask us at your next appointment and we would be happy to oblige! We can personally vouch for how tasty these recipes are! We are hoping to have more local businesses relevant to health and healthy living get involved too so stay tuned! Yours in good health, David
I am currently treating this lovely young man for back issues and used boxing to teach him how to turn on his core and gluts whilst performing a whole body exercise. His mum was in the room and said, "You should show this to people! They should know how broad your treatment is. This really is a holistic approach!" it is people. Physiotherapy is so much more than just massage and manipulation. There are so many treatment approaches for a myriad of issues. Each person is an individual, who responds in their own individual way to different forms of treatment both physically and mentally. From acupuncture all the way to a boxing stance! This is why, after 30 plus years, I still love what I do. Thanks to the mum who noticed that.
Calf strains are yet another common ailment suffered by people of all ages. I have seen the number of calf injuries increase over the past 5 years with the use of flatter running shoes to mimic the more “natural barefoot” running. Another reason for the increase is the recently promoted mid foot or forefoot landing when running, rather than the more typical heel strike of previous decades. When calf strains occur, the impacts can be dramatic. The pain is very immediate and severe with marked limitations on walking and also driving if it is the foot used on the pedals. If well managed, most calf strains will show great improvement in 2-4 weeks. However, if not managed properly or simply just “rested” without appropriate rehabilitation, the pain can last for several months and there will be a largely increased chance of further strains or tearing. If you sustain a calf injury and the symptoms are not significantly better within 2 weeks, you should seek advice and appropriate management from a physiotherapist. I just happen to know a great one! 😁
Here at David Adams Physiotherapy, we are constantly looking at ways to go the extra mile for you. Our emphasis is on helping you to maintain optimum health and well being, to maximise your potential and achieve quality of life. We are genuinely interested in getting involved and helping our local community lead healthy, pain free lives. With that in mind, we have gone beyond the normal realm of physiotherapy, and put together a great (and thoroughly researched) list of “superfoods”. Along with a few ideas on how to incorporate them into your daily meals, this list can help keep you healthy through the rest of Winter and into Spring and beyond. The focus here is generally on great foods to help fight winter ailments, therefore, there is an emphasis on vitamin C and immune boosters. We all know vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses but few people are aware that this vitamin also plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation. It helps accelerate wound healing, produces collagen which helps maintain skin’s youthful elasticity, and is essential to helping us cope with stress. What’s not to love about all that! 😍😋
SUCK and TUCK your TUM and BUM!! Hi everyone. I am presenting an information masterclass this coming Monday evening at the MSHF studio at 4/81 Beach Road Sandringham. The class will run from 7.30 - 8.30pm. If you have ever had pain or discomfort for longer than 2 weeks in your lower or mid back, pelvis, groin or upper legs….then this masterclass is a must for you!! 👍 I will teach you how to stand and hold yourself correctly during all activities at training. This will help to ease any symptoms you may already have and more importantly, avoid creating any problems in the future. Friends and family members are very welcome to come along, so if you know anyone who you think may benefit from a little knowledge in this area, please bring them along to join in the fun! You will also be meeting the lovely Zoe who works with us 2 days a week. She is an excellent physio who, like me, has a special interest in acupuncture which further enhances treatment outcomes. Zoe is a fabulous addition to our team and is proving very popular with patients so I’m looking forward to introducing her to you. Come prepared to suck and tuck! 😃 I would love to see some of you there! If you are not familiar with the fabulous MSHF training, have a look at their fb page. It's where Janette and I train and I highly recommend Marc and his team. 🏋️♀️🏋️♂️ David
To those patients who have waited or driven around the block, in order to park on the "good side" of our driveway....It's fixed! No more nature strip woes here! 🎉 2 more days and you'll even be able to drive on it! Thank you for being such patient patients! 😉
Yesterday in the studio.....Baguettes, Brie and French Cafe music. A little Joie De Vivre with your physiotherapy! 🇲🇫️
Though typically associated with a motor vehicle accident, whiplash can occur as a result of various acceleration/deceleration incidents. I regularly see the manifestations of whiplash from people who have falls in their home or garden, or as a result of sporting injuries. There have even been a few adults who thought joining in the trampoline fun at their kids birthday party was a good idea! Believe me when I tell you….adults generally do not bounce quite as well as children! 😖 Also interesting to note is that symptoms of whiplash will often build up after 2 days from the original incident. You may feel fine on the day but begin to feel discomfort a day or two later. The problem here can be that you may not always link your symptoms to something you did days ago. If left untreated, whiplash symptoms can progress to a chronic condition lasting more than 6 months. The research all strongly supports that the earlier the intervention, the less likely that will be the case. So, if there has been any significant jolting to your upper or lower spine that causes stiffness or pain, even after 48 hours, then get an assessment and advice from your physiotherapist. If that physiotherapist happens to be me….then you’re in luck!! I have nearly 30 years experience treating spinal conditions including whiplash. You’re in excellent hands! 👌 Enjoy your weekend - and stay off the trampoline!
USE IT OR LOSE IT!! Did you know that some private health insurers reset their rebate entitlements at the end of each financial year and not the calendar year? Unused claims generally do not carry over to the next year. If yours is one of those insurers, you may lose your unused entitlements. 😱 Check with your insurer to make sure you are not going to LOSE IT! Now may just be the right time to use what you have left. USE IT for a maintenance appointment, to get that niggling pain sorted, learn how to improve your strength in a certain area.....and simply be as strong and healthy as you can be!💪 The choice is yours, but a quick check with your insurer can ensure you USE IT rather than LOSE IT!👏
An interesting article I came across that I thought was worth sharing. Another reminder that surgical intervention or other invasive procedures should, in many cases, be a last resort. Another reminder also to stay active! Hope you all enjoy your long weekend and manage to fit in a little healthy activity.
I do believe that the term "core stability" has perhaps gained a little too much attention and has also been misused to some degree over the last decade. However, I also believe that if we were to be swinging from trees or resting on the ground in a deep squat position, as do people in some cultures, then I would be seeing less patients with weak lumbo-pelvic muscles. I would also be seeing less people with weak upper back and shoulder muscles! As neither of those activities is likely to be a part of your every day, improving your understanding of core strength is important. The core muscles are necessary to keep us upright and balanced on two legs. The more time we spend off our feet and sitting, the weaker we become. This is, of course, particularly relevant to today's lifestyle and the massive increase in the use of technology. In order to get appropriate advice on your core that is specific to you and your situation, consult with a clinician. Physiotherapists are highly trained as both clinicians and rehabilitation professionals, so are more than qualified to give you the correct advice. Hope you are all enjoying this continued sunshine! David
Many of you have a sound grasp of why and when you may need to see a physio. However, you may not realise the very broad scope of what we are able to successfully treat. Of all the allied health professions, physiotherapists have the most diverse training which enables us to assess and treat an extraordinary range of issues. Coupled with the effectiveness of acupuncture to treat the origin of pain and discomfort, this training allows a holistic approach to treatment. On this note....We are very much looking forward to Zoe Butler joining our team this coming Monday, so it seems timely to mention one of her areas of special interest. Zoe has a keen interest in the influence the gut (some are now calling it our second brain) has on our entire body. Symptoms including bloating, food intolerances, stomach pain and appetite changes will often occur in conjunction with musculoskeletal pain. These symptoms can be effectively treated using acupuncture. Zoe shares with me, a passion for treatment through Japanese acupuncture where appropriate. Japanese acupuncture is a gentler form of acupuncture that is proving to be very well received by those people who may initially be a little nervous about this form of treatment. I am very much looking forward to working with Zoe and the opportunity to share skills and ideas with another physio whose emphasis is on being the best practitioner she can be through successful treatments, communication, and education for each and every patient. Hope you all have a great weekend! And I hope all you wonderful Mum's out there are given the love and attention you deserve. Happy Mothers Day. 😘