A project initiated by the Rotary Club of Hampton and endorsed by the District-9810.
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Advocate Communications : Advocate South 02 June 2016, Page 1
An excellent article by Sarah in the local NZ paper:
The Rotary Peace Is Possible Team's visit to Turkey is well documented by hundreds of photos and can be seen at the following web site:
Rotary Club of Fiordland
Reporting of the unique Gallipoli experience from the PIP Team.
If you missed ABC-RN last Sunday, here is the digital version for your enjoyment:
Timeline Photos
The Peace Is Possible Team at Anzac Cove on Anzac Day- an awesome experience. Thanks Dylan for a great photo.
Rotary Club of Fiordland
Rotary Club of Fiordland
Amazing Gallipoli!
A very interesting treatise from Sarah: Sarah Greaney April 19 at 10:43pm.Spent today at the Peace Forum at Yaşar university. Heard a very interesting address from the key note speaker Prof Dr Alpasan Őzerdam from Coventry university on "Peacebuilding: between principles and practice". Some of his messages and what I took from his speech are: 1. Youth are the peace keepers of TODAY not just the future 2. Sometimes we need to be careful what we do in the name of peace making - we need to be aware of the ordinary people and not just look at the politicians. 40% of peace initiatives collapse within the first 3 years 3. You cannot just put democracy on a plane and send it to an area of conflict and expect a good outcome 4. Always consider the reality of those heading back to their homes after conflict - their home may have been destroyed, their land may be full of landmines and their children may know nothing other than having been born in a refugee camp. Going home is not easy. 5. Peace stems from people having dignity, jobs and money to live. Avoid western centric ways of addressing problems and imposing solutions. Appropriate education can help, especially for girls. 6. Peace cannot be built by men only. Women need a voice. 7. Create organic dialogue opportunities and think about transformation rather than resolution. Face to face dialogue is priceless 8. Reconciliation requires courage and bravery. Be brave and stand up for peace. Make a meaningful difference to others 9. The values, principles and concepts of peace are within YOU. Be a peace builder today. Be responsible and recognised what you CAN do so you can be part of the process. 10. Prepare for peace - it is not always an easy journey. Consider if you were born to consume or born to contribute.
Rotary Club of Fiordland
Rotary Youth Peace Forum Izmir 2017