Apex Hearing
Apex Hearing is an independent and locally owned clinic, dealing with hearing related issues. In Australia, 1 in 6 people suffer from some form of hearing loss - 3 out of 4 if over 70. We envisage a world where hearing loss doesn't limit the way people live their everyday life.
With 50 years of combined experience, at Apex Hearing we want to make that happen.
Tell your friends
facebook.comDick Van Dyke turns 91-years-old today, but he can still dance like a man in his 20s
There's no stopping this old chimney sweep! https://goo.gl/B4QAYk
Should You Get A Hearing Aid? 5 Signs Of Serious Hearing Loss Problems
Is your hearing loss making you uncomfortable? It might be time for hearing aids. https://goo.gl/nuFwfn
Timeline Photos
So true, Over 60!
When Father and Son Both Say “Pardon?"
"I realized I still had to live and function in this hearing world. So, I’m not afraid to ask the insurance person to stop looking at her computer screen and look at me while she asks for the pertinent information to change that policy. Or be prepared to repeat every question." https://goo.gl/Bf6ebc
People with hearing loss deserve our compassion
I'm sure there have been many times when people have been frustrated at your hearing loss... But has there been a time when someone made an effort and was compassionate about your hearing loss that made a positive impact on your day? Share in the comments section. https://goo.gl/3djQXY
Medications Can Cause Hearing Loss
If you experience tinnitus after a change in medication, alert your doctor. https://goo.gl/uOoQlb
Sick of saying 'what', 'huh', 'pardon'?
Having trouble hearing or being heard by a loved one? We know it's frustrating and we can help! We want to help you take your first step towards better hearing. So we’re offering you a voucher for a free hearing test: https://goo.gl/vdcP5a
First Slice
It's not about how old you are, it's about how young you feel!
How can I stop gigs and festivals ruining my hearing?
For those who didn't protect their ears at Festival Hall back in the day, it's up to you to share your wisdom with the younger generation! https://goo.gl/bXRZwb
Better Hearing Australia Victoria Inc
Great idea Better Hearing Australia Victoria Inc! We'll definitely be getting involved!
What is it like to live with misophonia, hatred of sounds?
Does loud chewing annoy you? For people living with misophonia, annoying sounds become a daily struggle. https://goo.gl/hXKlKn
10 photos prove age is just a number
These photos really speak to our inner child! https://goo.gl/3Ex0bT