I Made It Personal Training
A Health and fitness lifestyle movement which caters for ALL FITNESS LEVELS AND ABILITIES!
#iMADEitPT I MADE IT Personal Training is a new positive, up beat, happy fitness facility that provides health, nutrition, fitness advice and personal training, as well as providing nutrition plans along with a friendly lifestyle. WE CATER FOR ALL FITNESS LEVELS AND ABILITIES!
The motto of our business is "positive mind, positive body" we believe if you have a strong positive outlook in everything you do in life, you will gain the best results. stay positive!
NUTRITION: here at I MADE IT Personal training we believe exercise is only 20% of the deal , the other 80% is nutrition. Nutrition is very important for every individuals well-being and health.
MINDSET: 100% we believe having a positive mind set, and a positive attitude you will achieve ALL your fitness goals and aspiration along with our support as Personal trainers and Health coaches together we will not only achieve your goals but TRANSFORM your life!
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