St Mark's is a welcoming, inclusive community where questions are encouraged and everyone has a place at God's table. Our buildings are found in Buderim's Main Street and our people are found everywhere.
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facebook.comBeginning our prep for Centenary celebrations this weekend...
This weekend's Centenary Celebrations feature a Saturday conversation with the Very Rev'd Professor Martyn Percy on "Challenge and Change in Contemporary Mission and Ministry." Tickets are $10 at the door including afternoon tea.
Buderim Vigil at 5:30pm. #EvacuateNow #BringThemHere
Enjoying some mid winter merriment together with favourite carols, mulled wine and cheese fondue!
this Saturday..
Taize at 6pm! 🎶 Come and fill our hearts with your peace...
Just rest and be still. This Sunday night.
Christmas in July, a visit from the Very Revd Professor Martyn Percy, and CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS! Read all about it in the July newsletter.
We celebrate our Centenary with one service at 10am and and Festival lunch at 12pm. Celebrant: The Most Rev'd Dr Phillip Aspinall, Archbishop of Brisbane. Preacher: The Very Rev'd Professor Dr Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Lunch $10 (children free.) Please RSVP to the office, or sign up to attend on the lists in the foyer.
"Challenge and Change in Contemporary Mission and Ministry." Tickets are $10 at the door including afternoon tea. Dean of Christ Church and Professor and King's College, London, The Very Rev'd Martyn Percy is our guest for the Centenary weekend. Join us for this special lecture and conversation. Martyn Percy is Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, Professor of Theological Education at King’s College London, and Professorial Research Fellow at Heythrop College London. His research spans Christianity and contemporary culture, modern ecclesiology and practical theology and his book publications include Çlergy: The Origin of Species (2006), Engaging Contemporary Culture: Christianity and the Concrete Church (2005), Shaping the Church: The Promise of Implicit Theology (2010) and The Ecclesial Canopy: Faith, Hope, Charity (2011).
Kick off the Centenary Weekend Celebrations with formal dinner including three course dinner and wine. Featuring the musical talents of Matthew Flinders College strings and after dinner speaker, the Very Rev'd Professor Martyn Percy. Booking essential via the St Mark's office ph 07 5445 2060.