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What will 2017 bring !!
Testosterone Nation
Eat to support your training.
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The look you give your training buddy when you are on the final set and you know that it will blow their mind by adding an extra 5 reps 🤗 #trainingbuddy101 #shredshed15
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Summer sunshine #shredshed15 #motherdaughterbonding
When your grip fails on the final rep #rage
Justin making it look effortless.
Did you do your squats today?
When them quads are popping 👏🏻👏🏻
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60kg for the all reps @ Shredshed
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Be around those who push you further than you thought possible. #strength #shredshed15
Justin makes 150kg look easy.
Andrew finished his session at Shredshed today with a 270kg deadlift. #lightweight