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Gloucester County NJ

2 S Broad St, Woodbury, United States
Government Building



Gloucester County, New Jersey
Close to Everything, Far From it All!

Breaking News, Announcements, and Events


Warming/Comfort Center opened at Gloucester County Library until 9 p.m. (Mullica Hill, NJ) – Gloucester County Government, in coordination with Atlantic City Electric, the American Red Cross and the Gloucester County Library System, is establishing a Warming Center at the Library’s Main Branch located at 389 Wolfert Station Road, Mullica Hill. This facility will be open to those in need until 9:00 pm this evening, and will provide refreshments, a place to rest and remain out of the elements, and an opportunity to charge electronic accessories. These services are being made available to our county residents, as Atlantic City Electric fully understands the difficulty some residents are continuing to deal with, as their power may not be restored until tomorrow. Representatives of Atlantic City Electric will be on hand to address the concerns of residents who avail themselves of this service. ###

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Only life-sustaining transportation services to operate tomorrow, senior Nutrition Sites and Serv-A-Tray program canceled for tomorrow (Woodbury, NJ) – Due to the impending storm, the Gloucester County Division Transportation Services will only perform transports to dialysis patients and those who require other life sustaining appointments tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14. The Division of Transportation Services plans to be fully operational by Noon on Wed. March 15. Since most Dialysis Centers will be closed tomorrow, the Division of Transportation Services has been transporting most clients today so they do not have to go tomorrow. Additionally, the Gloucester County Division of Senior Services has cancelled all six Nutrition Sites tomorrow and Serv-A-Tray deliveries for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14. They plan to resume operations by Wednesday, March 15. ###

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Senior Nutrition Sites and Serv-A-Tray program canceled for tomorrow Due to the impending storm, the Gloucester County Division of Senior Services is canceling all six Nutrition Sites tomorrow and Serv-A-Tray deliveries for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14.

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(Mullica Hill, NJ) –Gloucester County Freeholder Jim Jefferson presented Eleanor Race with a certificate of achievement yesterday (March 8) for her first place finish in the Garden District Spelling Bee. Eleanor’s winning word was embark. Eleanor is a fifth Grader at Pleasant Valley School in Mullica Hill.

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Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office to participate in ‘Operation Take Back New Jersey’ (Woodbury, NJ) – Gloucester County Sheriff Carmel Morina announced today that the Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in “Operation Take Back New Jersey” in conjunction with the (DEA) New Jersey. This mission is to provide a safe and legal method for the citizens of Gloucester County to dispose of their unwanted, unused and expired medicines. The event will be held on Saturday, April 29 from 10 am to 2 pm at the County Store in the Deptford Mall. Sheriff’s Officers will be present. The public wishing to dispose of medications should note the following guidelines: This program is anonymous and all efforts will be made to protect the anonymity of individuals disposing of medications. No questions or requests for identification will be made. Individuals will deposit medications freely and independently. Individuals may dispose of medication either in its original container or by removing medication from its container and disposing directly into the drug disposal box. If the original container is submitted, the individual will be encouraged to remove the prescription label if it contains any personal identifying information. Liquid products, such as cough medicine, should remain sealed in their original container. The depositor should ensure that the cap is tightly sealed to prevent leakage. Syringes and other sharp instruments will not be accepted. Any further questions should be directed to Undersheriff Andre Bay at 856-384-4631. ###

Gloucester County, NJ. Website - Homepage

County honors National Consumer Protection/Weights and Measures Week March 5-11 (Woodbury, NJ) – The Gloucester County Department of Consumer Protection/Weights and Measures is joining with federal, state and local government agencies and national consumer organizations in commemorating the 17th annual National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) that runs from March 5 through 11, 2017. The 2017 campaign will highlight the theme Commitment to Serve for our consumer education efforts during the week of March 5 through March 11. Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said, "Our message this year will concentrate on helping to make sure our service members and veterans do not fall prey to scammers. The message will hopefully bring extra attention to those who defend our country and from ruthless fraudsters bent on stealing service members hard earned money." Freeholder Lyman Barnes, Freeholder liaison to the county Office of Consumer Protection said, “It is our goal to make available all information to help active military members and their families understand that there are programs and informational guidelines that can explain in detail what to look for when hiring a professional service, buying a new or used car and other purchases. Our staff at Gloucester County Consumer Affairs and Weights and Measures will come and speak to groups of veterans with hands-on and up-to-date material on current scams.” New Jersey is home to approximately 400,000 veterans and 7,500 active-duty service members, all of who are in the crossfire of scammers trying to take advantage of their age and mobility. Many military families are rotated through different states several times during their military service, and may not know the consumer laws of a particular state. Information is available on the county's consumer protection website at For more information, or to schedule an investigator to come and speak to your group or civic organization, please contact the county office of Consumer Protection at 856-384-6855.

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Cub scouts receive Arrow of Light awards (Glassboro, NJ) – On Sunday, March 5, 2017 Gloucester County Freeholder Heather Simmons presented certificates to members of Cub Scouts of Pack 289 for receiving the Arrow of Light Award (graduating to Boy Scouts) at the Glassboro VFW. Scouts Brayden Turner, Hunter Senula, Dominick Colamesta, III, Chase Startare with their parents standing behind them.

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Career and Technical Education Month honored in Gloucester County (Woodbury, NJ) –Gloucester County Freeholder Lyman Barnes (second from right) honored students and faculty of Gloucester County Institute of Technology to celebrate Career and Technical Education Month. GCIT’s career and technical student organizations compete at state and national levels and successfully earn medals and scholarship monies. GCIT’s graduating Class of 2016 was awarded $2.5 million in scholarship monies and 83% of the class earned 12+ credits from Rowan College at Gloucester County through the Senior Year Option Program. In the photo: Back Row: Matt Marinari, Shannon Ferguson, Arfein White, Robert Burkhardt Front Row: Aristotle Vargas, Kerin Verna, Caroline Love, Samantha Tartaglia, David Ahlzedah - Advisors: David White, Jr., Antoinette Terpolilli, James Angarola

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County sponsors autism awareness and emergency response training (Clayton, NJ) – Gloucester County Freeholder Jim Jefferson on Tues. Feb. 28, welcomed volunteers to the Autism Awareness and Emergency Response Training session hosted by the Gloucester County Department of Health. The training session, offered assistance in an emergency situation to individuals with autism. Carla Kephart Gloucester County Health educator and preparedness lead planned the training in response to interest expressed and as a part of the county’s efforts to better reach and work with those with special needs. The training was provided by Brian Hinchliffe, M.A., BCBA of the Bancroft Organization. Those in attendance were volunteers from Gloucester, Camden and Salem Counties who are part of Gloucester County Medical Corps Reserve, public health employees and others employees involved in emergency preparedness response efforts. In photo: Brain Hinchliffe, M.A. BCBA Bancroft Organization and Freeholder Jefferson.

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The first new marine terminal in 50 years on the Delaware River opens in Paulsboro

A very exciting and long awaited day -- First ship arrives at Paulsboro Marine Terminal bringing steel

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County Freeholder recognizes Williamstown resident on achieving rank of Eagle Scout Gloucester County Freeholder Jim Jefferson (Feb. 25) presented Timothy McBride of Williamstown with a proclamation recognizing his great accomplishment of achieving rank of Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of American, Troop 161. Timothy’s Eagle Scout project was the construction and placement of birdhouses in Holiday City, a 55 and older community in his hometown. In photo from left to right: Brian McBride, Kim McBride, Timothy McBride, Freeholder Jim Jefferson, Ron Coleman and Madelyn McBride

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County seeking seniors to be featured for legacy project (Woodbury, NJ)-Gloucester County Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger and Jim Jefferson said that the Gloucester County Division of Senior Services is seeking recommendations of seniors to be featured in Gloucester County’s first legacy project. The legacy project will be a written publication that celebrates local residents and their life journey. Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said, “Our senior community represents the history of our county and highlighting their life lessons, values, traditions and experiences is a unique way for them to share their life’s memories with friends and families.” Freeholder Jim Jefferson, liaison to the Department of Senior Services said, “Our older residents are the story of our nation. Their lives and experiences have paved the way for so many of us in regards to education, arts, science and more. No matter how big or small, every one of their stories has meaning and the legacy project provides our seniors with an place to describe the people and events that help shape their lives and our society.” The Department of Senior Services’ Rowan College at Gloucester County intern is interviewing the county seniors, gathering their stories and creating their profiles for the legacy book. Seniors interested in participating must be over the age of 60 and a Gloucester County resident. The booklet will be published in October and all participants will be honored at our annual volunteer luncheon on October 18. If you are a senior yourself and wish to tell your story or if you know of a senior with a story to be told, please call the Division of Senior Services at 856-384-6900. ###


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