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Dawn McGee, Nutrition Coach

Serving Customers Around the World, Based In, Woburn, United States
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Stop feeling trapped in your body!  Being healthy shouldn't be painful.  That's why I'll help you learn how to fuel your body and eat for life. I believe that we can all lead happy healthy lives without overdependence on pharmaceuticals.

I provide nutrition education and coaching to bring your life back into balance.

As an IBNFC certified coach, I am constantly looking for partners that can provide my clients the best products and complementary services.  My current partnerships include Venice Nutrition, Mark Macdonald, MonaVie, I have been in the health and wellness industry for over 10 years.  Developing a love for fitness and an interest in nutrition as a snowball effect from a knee injury 25 years ago, I have taught Itsy Bitsy Yoga, strength-trained adults, and coached busy people to learn better eating habits. I bring my passion for a good life as well as nutrition and fitness to all of my client engagements.  

Sessions are available in packages of 4, 8 or 12 week sessions.  I can also customize a semi-private group offering, or a workplace wellness package.  Call, email or fb for more details or to set up a complementary consultation.

