Winfield FUMC
Winfield FUMC is a vibrant faith community of people from all ages and stages. Join us for worship! Winfield FUMC worships the living God each Sunday morning at 8:30am and 10:45am with nursery provided. Sunday School for all ages is available at 9:45am. Throughout the rest of thew week, there are numerous opportunities to connect with others in deeper relationship and to grow in grace through small groups, Bible Studies, service on a committee, and service to the community. Please check out the website for more information, and feel free to contact a staff member for questions and/or support.
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So, how do we parent in a way that pays off handsomely for our children’s future? We parent for the long-term. Instead of reacting by scooping our kids out of the consequences of their actions, we lovingly allow our kids to face the reality of their decisions. In today’s video, Tim describes how we need to trade rules for equations. In other words, instead of telling our kids, “Don’t do that,” we should tell them, “If you do that, then this will happen.”
If We’re Honest?
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I am so excited to be co-leading this study! See you all at 6pm!
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Clear off space on your fridge, bc you might want to slap the worship guide up there once you see the sacred images the 5th gr. Extreme Explorers created for Lent. :) #Lent #KidMin #worship
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This coming Sunday we explore Jesus' first miracle at the wedding at Cana. Thank you to Ruby Woodburn for our sacred image for this scripture. #john2:1-11 #kidmin
Gather,break,pour,and bless. It's communion day. :)
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A big thank you to the 5th grade Extreme Explorers for creating our Lenten worship guide art. May they add to your worship experience. Thanks , Abigail Reid.#sacredimages
For those who may not know I am a huge history person. Always have been. So I leave for you today this quote. On Oct 29th,1941 Winston Churchill gave a speech at Harrow School in Great Britain. Part of that speech was as follows. Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. So whatever has troubled you lately remember never give in! Chance Alquest
In the Gospel of John, we are given a chance to welcome Jesus into our lives. We can do this by our believe vs our belief. Believe is a verb- not a noun for the gospel writer. Do you believe? To believe is to "live into" Jesus and then "live into" the world. Sadly, the light of life came into the world-and the world did not welcome him. I invite you to meet John...this Sunday!!
Tim Elmore Bible Plan - Day 5
Your head is pounding. You’re trying to get something done, so you take a pain reliever. The next day it happens again. It’s a busy week, so you pop back another. You notice some minor congestion the next day, and a worsening headache. Instead of resting, you take another. Finally, after several days of removing symptoms, you realize that you’ve been covering up a slight cold that turned into a nasty sinus infection. Those of us who have experienced this know that while we may create temporary ease by removing the consequences of being sick, we actually increase our long-term suffering. Consequences are like that. They can’t be dodged or fooled permanently. The sooner we face them, the smaller they are. The longer we delay them, the bigger and uglier they get. The only way to truly remove consequences is to accept them head on and allow them to do their work in us. The author of Hebrews points this out in the twelfth chapter (MSG), At the time, discipline isn’t much fun. It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely … So, how do we parent in a way that pays off handsomely for our children’s future? We parent for the long-term. Instead of reacting by scooping our kids out of the consequences of their actions, we lovingly allow our kids to face the reality of their decisions. In today’s video, Tim describes how we need to trade rules for equations. In other words, instead of telling our kids, “Don’t do that,” we should tell them, “If you do that, then this will happen.”
Today is first day of Lent, 40 days of Jesus' last days on earth. One way to observe this time is to use the Prayer Calendar-Lent 2017. This is a large yellow sheet available in the foyer of the church. This is a simple was to observe this time of Lent. Today the Bible Verse is Job 42:6. Suggestion of to pray for the churches in our community. There are suggestions for saving coins for a Lenten donation. 10 cents if you were in the church building today. 25 cents if you were not. For the last number of years I have given up something for Lent and been fairy successful by thinking that Jesus gave his life, so my tiny sacrifice is so little in comparison.
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If you know of anyone who is looking for a formative childcare (6mos.-5yrs. opp. for Fridays from 9-1, we have some spots open in KDI. Direct 'em to our site to register today. :)