IronClad Martial Arts Center and Power Up Kickboxing
IronClad Martial Arts Center & Power Up Kickboxing provides a unique and challenging experience to all skill levels while embracing a family atmosphere. Martial Arts instructor Kru John Johnston's history is an extensive one. He began his Martial Arts lifestyle when he was 11 years old. He first started in Tang Soo Do under the late Grand Master Richard Byrne in Malden, MA until he was 18 years of age. During this time John gained the knowledge of how to live the life of a Martial Artist.
Now for the past 14 years, he has trained and taught at the world famous Sityodtong Academy in Somerville, MA under the owner Kru Mark DelleGrotte, and the late Kru Eric Armington. Throughout these years, John trained extensively in Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, and Wrestling. Going from a student, to a head instructor in Muay Thai, to becoming the lead coach for the Sityodtong Fight Team - Kru John has had years of experience teaching many people the arts as well as bringing fighters to the highest level in MMA (mixed martial arts) so they could fulfill their dreams as a fighter in the UFC.
Kru John's path in the Martial Arts has not ended there. He currently trains and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Professor Julianno (Banana) Coutino, Professor Daniel Gracie, and Professor Mike (loco lobo) Gresh. In March of 2015, John received his Black Belt under Grand Master Bill "Superfoot" Wallace in the Superfoot Systems, and for the past two years has been working extensively in Krav Maga under Sansei Chris Cole, and Master Corey Buzzel.
In 2008, John began a journey in competing and fighting in Muay Thai. After only having three fights and going 3-0 with 2 knockouts, both of which were in the first round, he started a career as a Professional MMA fighter on June 17, 2011. Since then he has stayed undefeated going 7-0 in MMA with all 7 fights winning by way of knockout and 6 of them in the first round. Kru John's last fight was in October of 2014 at the age of 44 and he currently holds the CES Heavyweight Championship Belt and was ranked the #1 Heavyweight in the Region.
Despite Kru John's extensive background in Professional MMA and Muay Thai fighting, Kru John displays a pleasant manner which lends itself perfectly to bestowing his knowledge onto others including children whom he is always a huge hit with. Having Kru John at the helm, children, teens, and adults will no doubt have an incredible experience learning the IronClad System of Self Defense, and understand how to live a life as a Martial Artist.
I look forward to seeing you on the mats.
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facebook.comHappy 4th of July from the entire Ironclad family. Have a fun and safe holiday!
ATTENTION***** IronClad Martial Arts will be closed Saturday through Tuesday. We will still have Kickboxing on Saturday morning, but no martial arts. We will resume all classes Wednesday July 5th. Please have a safe and happy holiday.
******ATTENTION****** There will be no Martial Arts Classes this Satturday June 17th.
Ok. So here it is. The 28 day challenge for the month of June. Members are $50.00 and non-members are $150.00. This will include 4 boot camp style classes and all the kickboxing and Barre classes. The times for the boot camp classes are as follows: Tuesday and Thursday night 8pm Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9am You can come to as many of these classes you wish. This will also include help with diet and getting into good eating habits. The proper way to plan your nutrition and food prep. The daytime boot camp classes start this Friday June 2nd, and the night classes start Tuesday June 6th. Kru John will be teaching all the boot camp style classes. This is not just a challenge, but a life changer. Sign ups are already happening, so get your name on the list and let's do this. The only one who can beat you is you.
Getting all the loose ends done for the challenge. I am planning on having seperate classes for this on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9am, and Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8pm. Who's in. Here are the details so far. It would cost $50.00 per person, you would get weighed and measured on day one. The classes would be boot camp type classes with a lot of weights, etc. Kru John would be the one working with you. He would help you with a diet, life changes you may need to make, the workouts, etc. Even after the 28 days is over we will continue to help you with anything necessary. I would like to get this started so please get back to me if you are interested.
Who is interested in doing a 28 day get fit for summer challenge? Starting June 1st.
ATTENTION*****We will be closed for the holiday weekend. There will be kickboxing on Saturday morning, but no martial arts, and no classes on Monday. We hope everyone has a safe weekend and remember that Memorial day is not about BBQ's and having a day off from work, its about honoring those who have fought for our country and lost their lives making us safe. See you all on Tuesday.
Attention adult Krav Maga students. Bring a sweatshirt in with you for testing.
I would like to give a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Coach Ben Murphy for receiving his black belt today in Jiu Jitsu. For those of you that don't know, earning the level of Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu is an absolute honor as it shows incredible dedication, time, and most of all hard work. We are very proud to have him as the head of our Jiu Jitsu program at IronClad we have always believed in him since our doors opened 2 years ago.
We wish you all an amazing day
Kru John is back!!! He will be teaching tonight. Thank you to all IronClad trainers for being there during this time and making sure all the students are taken care of and classes were able to continue as scheduled. A team is only as strong as the links in the chain, and a chain is not held together only by one. Thank you all for being such a strong team.
Ironclad Martial Arts and Power Up Kickboxing is very proud to help real estate professionals make their jobs a bit safer. Last event was filled to capacity and we anticipate the same once again! Feel free to spread the word to any realtors you may know.