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Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office

240 W Alder St, Walla Walla, United States
Government Organization




WWSO Deputies assisted WWPD Officers at a reported disturbance near the YMCA. Upon arrival the disturbance was deemed to be a late night basketball game in the parking lot. A quick game of 5 on 5 broke out between officers and the Walla Walla youth before everyone went home.

UPDATE: The horses are in custody! The owners share their thanks and appreciation of all the support and positive thoughts. *************" Walla Walla County residents share that two horses escaped from their owner's camp near Andies Prairie and Horseshoe Prairie Trail Head on OR State Hiway 204 at 10:00AM this morning. A palomino paint and a sorrel paint exited their pen after being spooked. Family, friends and volunteers have been driving and riding the area throughout the day keeping an eye out for them. Union and Umatilla County Sheriff's Offices have been contacted and have a family representative's phone number should someone report them found. The Forest Service has been contacted as well. If you are in that area of the Blues, please keep an eye out for them. Their family is concerned for their well being and hopes for a safe return.

GO TEAM NORTHWEST! Walla Walla Valley All-Stars head to the 2017 Little League Baseball's World Series in Pennsylvania.

The Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office is very proud of our Walla Walla Valley Little League program and super excited about the opportunity that the Walla Walla Valley All Star team has earned for themselves by winning the Little League Baseball Northwest Regional Tournament in San Bernardino, CA over the week of August 6 – 12th. They competed against teams from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. The following link shows you a little taste what our team has to offer: Now officially known as TEAM NORTHWEST, they are preparing to complete at Lamade and Volunteer Stadiums in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania with a goal of becoming the Little League Baseball’s 2017 World Series Champion Team. Even though this all-star team is comprised of 13 dedicated youth we all know it is much bigger than that. Walla Walla Valley Little League fields 7 teams, each comprised of 12 teammates ages 10 through 12 year-olds, during their regular season. Those 84 youths each had the opportunity to apply for one of the 13 spots on the Walla Walla Valley All Star Team. The 71 youth that aren’t traveling with TEAM NORTHWEST to Pennsylvania played an integral part of TEAM NORTHWEST’s success. Our hats are off to them as well; as their time and effort on the field during the regular season shaped and pushed those on the all-star team thus contributing to this great achievement. Another part of this team is the generous community businesses and individuals that have donated to the cause of sending the team to California. Many of those are digging deep into their pockets again to continue the support as TEAM NORTHWEST travels to Pennsylvania. Members of the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office desire to congratulate TEAM NORTHWEST, to make some noise, and join in the excitement that OUR little league baseball team is creating. TEAM NORTHWEST’s first game is scheduled for Friday, 08/18/2017, at 1:00PM. Please check for the details. From Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office……….GO TEAM NORTHWEST!

Recently, our Search And Rescue volunteers participated in joint training with their counterparts from the Umatilla County Sheriff's Office. Despite the heat, it was a great training exercise!

**Waitsburg** Recently there have been increased reports of multiple people on school grounds after hours making noise, littering and being a general nuisance. There are new signs posted and extra patrols will be given to try and address the issue. As hard as we try, we cannot be everywhere we want as much as we want; so please give us a hand and let us know if you see or hear violators!

Deputy Harris took a few photos from around the county recently. Some definite perks of the job, if you're a nature lover!

5:18 the fire is contained and Pacific Power is on scene. District 5 out in Burbank is currently working to extinguish a natural cover fire near Casey Pond.

What do camping, boating, horseback riding, farming, auto racing, landscaping, and snowmobiling all have in common? These are just a few of the many examples of activities commonly involving trailer use on public roadways. Please take the time to practice trailer towing safety. Know before you tow.


NEAR Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office