Vidalia First United Methodist Church
9:00-Contemporary Service (FUEL Worship) meets in Activity Center
11:00-Traditional Service in Santuary
Nursery Service is available for all services.
Sunday School begins at 10:00. Let us help find the right Sunday School Class for you. For more information see us at
JOY (Just Older Youth) is a fellowship opportunity for our "young at heart" members.
Youth grades 6-12 meet Sunday at 6:00 pm. Youth also meet for Small Groups on Wednesday at 5:30. Current details are listed on our website.
Come join us for food and fellowship during our Wednesday Night Suppers. The dinner line opens at 5:30 and programs start at 6:00. Sign up by calling the church office at 537-3068. Be sure to check out our website for this week's menu and program.
Programs are available for children of all ages. Please check our website for current information on what is happening now. We offer programs such as children's choir, Vacation Bible School, Poolside Parables and KICS.
If you like to sing, come share your talents in one of our choirs: Children, youth, and adult.
Tell your friends
facebook.comVFUMC peeps, we have a couple of good projects for 2nd Saturday Serve this weekend. We're looking for volunteers to help with the following: 1. Pressure wash the home of one of our homebound members 2. Assist with removing a fallen tree at another member's home 3. Serve through the Loads of Love ministry at the laundromat on Green Street (right behind the Chevron station on 280)
VFUMC Praise Band - In Christ Alone
Here is the second FUEL Band song from the April 30, 2017 Unity Service. This is "In Christ Alone" written by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty.
VFUMC Praise Band - Good, Good Father
Here is a beautiful song by the FUEL Band from the April 30, 2017 Unity Service. This is "Good, Good Father" written by Pat Barrett and Tony Brown.
VFUMC Chancel Choir Anthem - It Is Finished (Easter 2017)
The Chancel Choir Anthem(It Is Finished) from worship this morning. Thank you to Bill Meeks for providing this video.
VFUMC Larks and Swallowtails Choirs - This Is The Day (Easter 2017)
Larks & Swallowtails in worship this morning. Thank you to Bill Meeks for providing this video!
VFUMC Handbell Choir - Pachelbel's Canon in D (Easter 2017)
Handbells from the 11am service incase you missed it. Thank you to Bill Meeks for providing this video!
Don't forget our sunrise service at the downtown Vidalia amphitheater tomorrow morning at 7am. We will celebrate the risen Christ!
Join us tomorrow for Easter worship: 7am: The stage at City Park. Sunrise Easter service. The chancel choir will sing and the FUEL band will be playing along with a message from Pastor Robert 9am: FUEL worship in the activity center 11am: Worship in the sanctuary Please also remember to bring a flower to place on the cross in front of the sanctuary. We hope to see you tomorrow!!
Just a reminder that we will be having Maundy Thursday services at 7pm in the sanctuary. If you can't make it we will also be live streaming the service online via the church website. We hope to see you there!
Easter brings new life and a new beginning. If you are seeking new life and a new beginning, we encourage you to join us in experiencing Easter. Sunday, April 9: Palm/Passion Sunday Services at 9 and 11 April 10-14: Holy Week lunch/service Toombs Area Ministerial Association Lunch served beginning at 11:30 AM. Cost: $3 each. Sponsored by Toombs Area Ministerial Association Monday: Vidalia First Baptist; speaker: Rev Jim Morrow Tuesday: The Oaks - Lyons; speaker: Fr. Ben Dallas Wednesday: Lyons First Baptist; speaker: Rev. Robert Greene Thursday: Vidalia First United Methodist; speaker: Dr Dan Tomberlin Friday: Vidalia Church of God; speaker: Rev Sue Jackson Thursday, April 13: Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday Service, 7 PM in Sanctuary Saturday, April 15: Church-wide Easter Egg Hunt at home of Allison and Justin Osborne Sunday, April 16: Easter Sunday 7 AM - Sunrise Easter service at Vidalia Downtown Amphitheater 9 AM - Easter Service – FUEL 11 AM - Easter Service - Sanctuary
Don't forget tomorrow we have one service only at 11am in the sanctuary. We are so blessed that Bishop Lawson Bryan will be preaching. You don't want to miss it!
Just a reminder this coming Sunday, March 26, 2017 there will only be one worship service at 11am in the sanctuary. The Bishop Lawson Bryan will be preaching. We hope you'll come and join us!