The Station Pub & Eatery
Located steps from Metra's Tinley Park stop, we’re a neighborhood pub and restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere, well-stocked bar, and great food. The Station is a neighborhood pub and eatery with a relaxed atmosphere, well-stocked bar, and great food. Located just steps from Metra's Tinley Park stop, we welcome you to come in to unwind after work, bring the family for dinner, host your next party in our event space, or enjoy some gaming in our new Players Lounge.
Tell your friends
facebook.comBe honest -- have you been keeping up with your resolutions?
From all of us at The Station Pub & Eatery, we're wishing you joy and cheer in the new year!
You'll be seeing fireworks after taking a bite of this.
Wishing you the happiest holiday from The Station Pub & Eatery.
The best gifts don't need to be wrapped -- they need to be tapped.
What three words would you use to describe us?
Dear Santa
No matter what the season, there's nothing we love more than serving you a brew.
We're all about that top shelf.
We're not making your meal -- we're making your day.
We're glad you're here.
Tired of Thanksgiving leftovers yet?