Flipside Tumbling & Cheer
USA Gymnastics and USASF certified club located in Syracuse. We teach Power Tumbling, Trampoline, Double-mini and All-Star Cheerleading
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Introducing our Junior Level 3 Team FORCE #syracuseutah #utahgyms #allstarcheer #flipsidecheer #theforceisstrongwiththisone
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Welcome to the team Flipside FUZE our Mini exhibition.. We love our #cheerbabies #flipsidecheer #allstarcheer #utahgyms #syracuseutah
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Check out Team FIRE 🔥 These girls are going to be amazing!! #junior2 #flipsidecheer #allstarcheer #syracuseutah #cheerlife
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Introducing Team FEVER youth level 1.. Welcome to the squad girls #flipsidecheer #allstarcheer #syracuseutah
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We are excited to meet our new teams.. Practice starts this week.. We are ready, Are you? #flipside #flipsidecheer #utahcheer #syracuseutah #allstarcheer
Congratulations to all of our athletes joining us this year for the 2017-18 All-star Cheer season. We are all so excited!
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How about a little DIY inspiration to pass the time. This is @karsynandspencer cheer bow holder I made from an old window shutter. It was super easy.. just add some paint and hammer in nails.. a perfect solution. What do you think? One can never have too many #cheerbows #cheerlife #bowholder
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Tryouts are tomorrow!! Reservation is not mandatory, but is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome, but may have longer wait time You may come to the gym 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time to warm-up and stretch Ages 11 and under 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Ages 12–18 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM ** Age as of August 31,2017 ** -TRY-OUT ATTIRE: Performance ready- wear black shorts, a black or purple or aqua/turquoise form fitted workout top and tennis shoes or cheer shoes. Hair pulled back in a high ponytail with a bow Remember to bring a colored photo for each athlete We can't wait to see you!!!
Last night of Cheer Camps.. We had so much fun these last 2 weeks. Thank you girls for putting in the extra time to improve your skills. We worked hard and played hard. We can't wait to see everyone at tryouts this Saturday. #flipsidetumbling #syracuseutah #flipsidecheer #realdude #utahcheer #utahgyms
-All Star Cheer Try-outs Saturday April 22nd. Make sure you call or stop in to reserve your time slot if you have not already. Reservation is not mandatory, but is recommended. Walk-ins the day of will still be able to try-out. Ages 11 and under 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Ages 12–18 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM ** Age as of August 31,2017 ** -TRY-OUT ATTIRE: Performance ready- wear black shorts, a black or purple or aqua/turquoise form fitted workout top and tennis shoes or cheer shoes. Hair pulled back in a high ponytail with a bow -Remember to bring a colored photo for each athlete SEE YOU SATURDAY!! http://flipsidetumbling.azurewebsites.net/all-star-cheer-tryouts/
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