Springfield Town Library
Springfield Town Library...Connecting our Community throughReading and Information. Please visit our website:www.springfieldtownlibrary.org
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Let Your Voice Be Heard: VLC 2017
Springfield Town Library is headed for the Vermont Library Conference-- Library closed May 18th while we learn.
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Short VT PBS film documenting opiate abuse in Vermont, followed by reactions from Chief Douglas Johnston, Michael Johnson of Turning Point and Stephanie Thompson for the prevention Coalition. Bring your questions!
Photos from Springfield Town Library's post
And the winners are.... Be sure to watch for the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Reading Club and the Red Clover Reading Club in the fall at Springfield Town Library!
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Backyard Composting Workshop
Sign up for the Backyard Composting Workshop at the Springfield Town Library, FREE. To sign up, call 802 674-9235 or email mobrien@swcrpc.org. You can purchase a Soilsaver Composter for $25 or a Kitchen Scrap Pail for $5 at the workshop, check or cash only. Cat Buxton is teaching, Thursday, June 8, at 5:30pm.
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Come see the VT PBS film "The Opiate Effect" May 11, 6:30 at the Springfield Town Library. Springfield Police Chief Doug Johnston, Mike Johnson of Turning Point Recovery, and Stephanie Thompson of Prevention Coalition to discuss opiate drug abuse in Springfield.