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Pursue Fitness Club

555 W Centennial Blvd, Springfield, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Our mission is to lead our members and community in the pursuit of the best life possible. Our club, our staff, our programs are here to help you do that! Gym/Physical Fitness Center


Join @kidsaspotandreddog for the new Core release Wednesday at 9:30 am and Thursday at 5:30 pm. What is Core? What ISN’T Core? Try it and find out!

#pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

Come check out the April release in Chalase’s Group Core this week! Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm, Mon/Wed/Fri at 9:30 am!

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK...MAX’S GLUTE BLAST! This circuit will leave no gluteal fiber unfired—you can throw it into the end (or beginning) of a lower body training session or load up the squats, lunges and squat walks with a kettlebell as a stand-alone lower body workout. A1)Low Squat to Step x 10 A2)Reverse Lunge from Step x 10 per A3)Heel-Elevated Glute Bridge x 10 per A4)Fire Hydrants x 10 per A5)Low Squat Walks x 5 laps Repeat for 2-4 rounds with minimal rest! Just a reminder, this week and next a personal training session is available for just $5—we’re calling it Try Out a Trainer and it’s great way to see what a personal coaching experience is like! Come see us at #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

AB WHEEL TUTORIAL...Rollouts and other similar exercises are amazing for getting the core truly strong, provided (as always) they're executed properly. 1)ALWAYS start with a diaphragmatic breath. See our "How to Breathe" video for more information on that. 2)Tuck your butt under slightly and imagine drawing the base of your ribs to the front of your hips to ensure your are actively using the abdominals at the start of the movement. 3)Root yourself into your base of support--if you do these exercises from your knees, PUSH YOUR TOES INTO THE FLOOR as well. 4)Push the wheel/handles/ball away with your arms. 5)Once you've reached the point your abdominals are both stretched and contracted (think "strung" between your hips and rib cage) but BEFORE you feel any compression or change to your lower back, reverse the movement. 6)Our favorite game-changing cue for this is to pull your knees and/or toes TOWARDS the implement you're using in order to actually pull the implement back to the starting position. Yes, the knees and toes don't actually move, but this cue will help engage the abdominals more fully and lessen the chances you'll compress the lower back structures, or "hang out on the spine." 7)Take another full breath before doing another rep. Depending on many factors, including how "big" you make this exercise and how long you've been doing them, anywhere from 2-4 sets of 5-10 reps is about right. We prefer to do this sort of work early in our workouts. If you haven't done so yet, schedule a free consultation or purchase your first training session and "Try Out a Trainer" for just $5 for a limited time! Come see us at #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

TRY OUT A TRAINER!!! All of us need a little help, and some of us need more than a little. Personal training has been around for as long as gyms have, but many of us have a skewed perception of what personal training is and what it can do for us. To show you what our trainers can do, we're offering Try Out a Trainer for a limited time. For $5 you'll get a one-on-one training experience at a time that works for you! Sign up for your session the next time you're in the club! #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

In observance of Easter, the club will be closed today! Thank you to all our members—we hope you have a wonderful day and we’ll see you tomorrow! And the next day. And the next... #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #noannualfee #no commitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

Some words of..:well some words from Anika. Also, no Haleys were harmed in the filming of this video. Come see the Haley and Anika show from Wednesday through Friday mornings @pursuefitnessclub #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

DEADLIFT VARIATIONS...SUMO VS CONVENTIONAL VS ROMANIAN We've covered proper set up for the deadlift already, but let's go a little deeper into three of the most common deadlift variations. 1)Sumo--With a wide stance and grip inside the legs, this version relies on and works the inner thighs and glutes more than other variations. 2)Conventional--With a narrow stance and grip outside the legs, the lower back and hamstrings become much more involved. 3)Romanian--Essentially a conventional deadlift done from the top down, this variation is a great way to take the glutes and hamstrings into a deep stretch before contracting them to bring the weight back to the top. With all deadlift variations, we have to keep the bar as close as possible to the hips and lower back. The amount of knee bend you NEED will vary depending on your leverages and mobility. Bend your knees more than you need and the bar will likely be pushed farther from the fulcrum, i.e. your lower back and hips, particularly on the descent. This results in a loss of strength and an increase in lower back stress. Rather than "lifting with your legs" get set up properly (as we showed a few weeks back) with the bar close and "wedge" yourself from fingers to toes between the bar and the ground. That will set you up for your best pull. Don't hesitate to consult with one of our trainers if you'd like some more help. Happy deadlifting! #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #nosignupfee #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

APRIL GROUP POWER LAUNCH!!! Oliver has a way of making practicing our new Group Power release even more challenging! Join Dana, Caitlin and Matt as we launch the April Group Power release at 9 am on Saturday, April 7th. We've got an awesome new workout to share with you and a few give-aways to boot! #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #nosignupfee #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK...UPPER BODY PUMPSTRAVAGANZA! This is a nice little cable upper body finisher to throw into just about any workout, as you won't be using high loads and it's pretty easy on the joints. It'll train the upper back, biceps, triceps and chest through a full range of motion. A1)Cable Scarecrow x 10-15 reps A2)Low Pulley Facing Out Bicep Curl x 10-15 reps A3)Rolling Cable Tricep Extensions x 10-15 reps A4)High Pulley Chest Fly x 10-15 reps Do 2-3 rounds with little to no rest, and remember to keep things light! #pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #nosignupfee #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs

EXERCISE TUTORIAL...THE HIP THRUST!!! In the last few years the hip thrust has risen in popularity--it is a fantastic exercise to build a better booty. Stronger, more active glutes help take stress off the lower back and knees. We use (or should use) the glutes every time we extend the hip, which happens when we squat, lunge, step up, and deadlift. The hip thrust is a good way to target these muscles a little more, but we see a few technique issues arise while doing those hip thrusts on a regular basis--check out the video to see what we're talking about. Better yet, ask a trainer the next time you see us in the gym.#pursuefitnessclub #springfieldgym #eugenegym #fitness #fitfam #kettlebell #trx #mossa #groupfitness #mx4 #nosignupfee #noannualfee #nocommitment #childcare #tanning #massagechairs


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