San Elijo Elementary
Lowest grade taught: Transitional Kindergarten - Highest grade taught: 5th Grade
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facebook.comTroop 1448 worked this weekend to brighten the front of our school! They used their cookie money to purchase the flowers and a small fence. Awesome job girls! Thank you!
San Elijo has a new Buddy Bench! Thank you to our Brownie Troop 2160!
Follow the San Marcos Unified School District page for the latest info.
More BMX Awesomeness!
BMX Show. Thank you for supporting the PTO!
As you watch the deals for Cyber Monday, please set your Amazon bookmark to support San Elijo Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization through Amazon Smiles. It doesn't cost anything extra but provides support to our school. San Elijo Elementary PTO
San Elijo has playground supervision and crossing guard jobs available. This is a great opportunity to be involved at our school and help keep our students safe. The days of work are flexible and the hours for crossing guards are 8:15-8:45 and 2:30-3:30. Playground supervision hours are 10:30-1:30. If you are interested in these open positions, please email or call (760) 290-2604.
Introducing our new PTO Board at the First Flag Salute! Thank you to all of our families for our new Chromebooks!
Our teachers are getting ready to welcome our eagles back on Tuesday, but on Monday check out the Solar Eclipse! Here's some great info
Check here or on the school website for the 2017-2018 District Calendar. Please note that parent conference week will be October 16th. Monday October 16th will be no school Tuesday October 17th-Friday October 20th have modified schedule