First United Methodist Church of Pine Bluff, Arkansas
We invite you to worship with us Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 10:45. Open hearts...Open minds...Open doors...
We are committed to providing a place where people can be nurtured in the faith, grow as disciples, and offer themselves in ministry to others in the name of Jesus Christ.
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facebook.comWe're packing 20,000 meals this Sunday, November 19! Join us from 9:00 to 11:00a.m and then wear your comfy clothes to church. If you are in need of service hours, this is a great way to get them! We also need muscle at 8:00a.m to unload the Pack Shack truck.
This is great news for a great organization. Recruiting is going on so if you are a college student or know of one that is interested in serving the mission field this summer, please look into this rewarding, life-changing program.
Mark Your Calendars for Sunday, Oct. 29th from 5:00-6:30. First United Methodist's Annual Trunk or Treat. 200 W. 6th, Pine Bluff Free food, candy and games
Tomorrow, we are back at it with Wednesday night activities. 5:15-7pm children's choir, meal and class 5:30-6:15pm light supper is served 6:15-7pm youth music and Bible exploration 6-7pm Adult Bible study- Romans 7-8:30pm Adult Chancel Choir Hope to see you there!
AID FOR HURRICANE HARVEY VICTIMS Please continue to be in prayer for our neighbors in Texas and Louisiana who are in the midst of historic flooding. We pray for all those who have been affected and we commit to being Jesus’ presence in the coming days and months as we join them in the rebuilding of lives and communities. The Arkansas Conference of The United Methodist Church has asked churches to take up donations for the AR Conference Disaster Response. Items needed are health kits and flood buckets (contact 1st Methodist church office for lists- 870-535-0935 If you would like to make a cash donation through the church, mark it “flood.”
Favorite night of OMP- Neighbor night and Dorey's catfish!
Super Heroes eat hot dogs too! Hero Central is off to a great start!
Tonight's the night. Hero Central VBS begins this evening with dinner at 5:30. Fly on down as we learn about being courageous, loving, hopeful, powerful and wise.
Hero Central Vacation Bible school starts June 12th and runs through the 15th. 5:30-8:00p.m for all ages. 200 W. 6th, Pine Bluff AR 870-535-0935 if you have any questions.
Tickets are available for the 4th Annual Prayer Luncheon presented by he Faith Community Coalition of Pine Bluff. Call or stop by the office to claim your ticket.
Packing party! We're feeding the funnel for Pine Bluff. What a great morning to spend with new friends from the community.
Exciting!!!! Who wants to ride with me?