Roy Gayle Pony
Roy Gayle Pony Baseball / Softball Inc. is a non-profit organization that operates a baseball/softball program in Rockford, Illinois. Roy Gayle Pony Baseball / Softball Inc. is a non-profit organization that operates the baseball/softball program playing at Randerson-Carlson Sports Complex at Meridian Road and By-Pass 20 on the west side of Rockford. The organization is affiliated with and sanctioned by the national organization, Pony Baseball Inc.
Nine leagues play at Roy Gayle. They are: Shetland (ages 5-6), Pinto (7-8), Mustang (9-10), Bronco (11-12), Pony (13-14), Girls Mustang Softball (8,9,10), Girls Bronco Softball (11,12) Girls Pony Softball (13-14). The eight leagues comprise over 85 teams and represent over 1000 youngsters.
Roy Gayle Park is one of the finest baseball/softball facilities anywhere. Eight diamonds, four parking lots, two concession stands, several scoreboxes and several storage sheds make up the complex.
The organization is run completely by volunteers. No money is spent on administration of the program.
Roy Gayle Pony Baseball / Softball has been at it present location for 50 years. The organization is indebted to its sponsors and benefactors and is continually looking for donations to better the program and to better serve the kids of the Rockford area.
Our mission statement:
“Roy Gayle Pony Baseball / Softball Inc. shall be committed to providing organized baseball/softball leagues to the youth of the community, 5-15 years of age. The mission of Rockford Pony Baseball/Softball shall remain constant: To encourage participating youth in their personal and physical skill development, social interaction, and sportsmanship so that they will become mature young adults. The Executive Board, staff, managers, coaches, umpires, parents and volunteers shall realize that the winning of games is secondary to the attainment of athletic skills and to the development of youth into responsible young men and women.”
Roy Gayle Park is always appreciative of donations of goods and services, as well as sponsorships.
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