Jetpack Comics
The Greatest comic and game shop in the universe! The friendliest comic shop in the history of mankind!
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facebook.comMichelle would like some distraction as she prices Magic cards! Amuse her with GIFs in the comments and she will dub the one that makes her laugh the most the winner before we close at 8!
Happy Saturday! Come down and visit us at the Megastore and get some goodness for this great weekend!
THE SHIP HAS LANDED! We just got the mother load on the new STARFINDER game and if you're just as excited about it as we are swing on by to pick up your newest favorite space RPG!
A quick note to our loyal friends & customers regarding Marvel Legacy straight from the main man himself, RALPH! Dear Loyal Jetpackers, We appreciate your loyal patronage of Jetpack Comics Llc and all the brands we carry and support. We make every effort to carry the widest, deepest breadth of product we are able to support. Heck, we waste money to stock product we think you might want. Our 5000 square foot store and 8000 square feet of warehouse reflect how well we can waste money. With this in mind we regret to inform you that we will not have the bulk of the Marvel lenticular covers, for their Legacy relaunch, available for you to purchase on release day. To date it appears that we will have the first one, but after that we will not have any of them. While another publisher made it easy to purchase their spectacular lenticular covers (we simply ordered them, and in some cases were allocated, but in every case we were able to fill EVERY order from everyone that frequented Jetpack and even supplied them to people that visited us just to get those gems), Marvel has taken a different approach. In order to get the Marvel lenticular line, Marvel is requiring us to purchase at least 2x the product we need, to provide you the cover you want. So, if everyone of you wants to buy the Amazing Spider-man #789 Lenticular cover, we have to purchase 50 of the non-lenticular cover, to purchase ANY of the lenticular cover. We know we only need 40 copies of Amazing Spider-Man. In the end we are being forced to purchase about 125% more product than we can sell, to be able to sell you the AWESOME cover that you want. This amounts to us being put in a position to take huge loss on every Marvel title that month, in order to get the lenticular covers for you. In case you're questioning our math, we have to purchase 1.25x of the regular cover to order the lenticular cover. We know you all want the lenticular cover so that is 1x. So, we get to own all the regular covers because who wants the regular covers? It is awesome that Marvel has so much faith in their relaunch that they think we need at least 2x the amount we were going to order, but the problem is that if we do need 2x the amount, we need that of the most spectacular cover they are offering, ie the lenticulars. Sure, there will be a few hold outs but people are like cats and the most shiny object is the one they want. So, if we get 2x the customers, we really have to order over 3x what we need (1 to 1.25x the regular cover to be able to purchase at least 2x the lenticular). In theory, the 3+x works but at a barely passable profit margin. I just do not have faith that this going to bring in 2x the customers. It's an awful position that we have been put in. Providing great customer service means having the product the customer wants but it also means that we have to be open, and buying 125% more product than we can sell is not a great financial position to guarantee our future. Furthermore, anyone with a newly opened store (not sure of the time frame for this but I believe it is a year) does not have to spend their money this way. New stores just get to order the product as they do not have a sales history to measure against. It's a very backwards situation to think that the guys with longevity (going over 12 years now) are put in a worse position with the guys that have no sales history. Successful businesses are being put in a position to have to waste money where the guys without a track record are not? In what other industry is the guy that's been around the block put in a worse position than the new guy? Yes, we have plenty of friends in the business that would help us out, and sell us the lenticulars, but we would not have them on day of release, and that's what everyone wants. It's a very strange business model to put one's primary customer base in a position to have purchase 2 to 2.25 times the product it knows it can sell to provide the 1 times qty it needs for it's customers. Sadly, the general public may not ever understand all this nonsense and Jetpack Comics will just be the dopes that didn't have coolest hottest new product on their shelves. Sucks to be us. I do expect that plenty of keyboard warriors will chime in and tell us exactly how much we suck and have every other pretentious comment to make about how ridiculous we are, but unless everyone of you are willing to purchase the regular cover, and the lenticular cover, and then buy 1 extra comic that you don't need, for every four you purchase, then you are making the point for us. I had the pleasure of speaking with Esther from Image comics today, and I told her that when Image sends us free comics they are wasting their money. Jetpack orders at least 20% more than it needs of every comic we stock. It allows for growth and prevents disappointment. It fosters loyalty in the comic community. We will go to all lengths to keep a product in stock. Image never needs fear that Jetpack Comics isn't representing their line in total, across the board. I guess I'm saying that Jetpack is the store where you can find almost every new comic, every week, but this isn't going to be the case now. Sadly and Sincerely, Ralph DiBernardo - Owner, Jetpack Comics LLC Plus...they posted it on Bleeding Cool!
Well, folks, we added up all the MAN IN BLACK votes, and it looks like The Man In Black from Westworld is the winner! Dark Tower was a close 2nd, and Lost came in third. If we had a Johnny Cash Pop figure he probably would have given them all a run for their money! But as it stands now, WESTWORLD DOMINATES! Take a bow, Ed Harris!
Don't forget to check out the latest Anniversary month deals when you come in for your new comics this week! Don't miss out on these kick ass deals! THESE SALE ITEMS GO UNTIL THE 28TH! SO GET 'EM QUICK! FINALLY - HERE IS WHAT IS ON SALE! POKEMON - Everything Pokemon related is BUY 3 GET 1 FREE VIDEO GAME MERCH (that's the toys / trinkets & baubles) BUY 2 GET 2 FREE FUNKO POP FIGURES Superhero figures - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE NON-Superhero (that means all other) - BUY 1 GET 2 FREE BOARD GAMES & EXPANSIONS - BUY 3 GET 1 FREE GRAPHIC NOVELS / HC Collections / Trade Paperbacks BUY 3 GET 1 FREE PATHFINDER / D&D MINIATURE BOOSTERS BUY 2 GET 1 FREE HEROCLIX ** EVERYTHING ** BOOSTERS / SINGLE FIGURES / ALL OF IT BUY 2 GET 3 FREE BLIND BOX / BAG FIGURES / Key Chains / Etc Buy 2 Get 1 Free TOYS (not already specified) BUY 3 GET 3 FREE MINIATURE GAMES & ACCESSORIES (Warhammer, Machine Etc) BUY 3 GET 1 FREE ROLE PLAYING GAMES & ACCESSORIES BUY 3 GET 1 FREE BACK ISSUES BUY 3 GET 1 FREE SALE PRICED MERCH - The items throughout the store that have a GIANT colored dot with a sale price on them. BUY 1 GET 1 FREE STATUES (Be sure to read our statue disclaimer) BUY 1 GET 1 FREE BUSTS BUY 2 GET 2 FREE POSTERS BUY 1 GET 1 FREE FIDGET SPINNERS & CUBES BUY 1 GET 2 FREE GLASSWARE (that's cups & mugs) BUY 2 GET 1 FREE APPAREL (shirts, jackets, etc) BUY 1 GET 3 FREE PLAYMATS BUY 1 GET 2 REGULAR PRICED (3.99) BOOSTER PACKS FREE BOTTLE OPENERS $10.00 each LEAD & CHESS FIGURES (see the display case disclaimer) BUY 2 GET 3 FREE WALKING DEAD TRINKETS / BAUBLES & KNICK KNACKS BUY 2 GET 1 FREE1 1 - BULK merchandise items are sold based on their retail price so a box of magic cards is based on 4 x 36, etc. Anything we bulk discount will be on sale based on it's MSRP, not our discounted price. 2 - Genre merchandise is sold at it's Genre price even if it might fall into another category. ie There is a SALE on all Pokemon items & there is a SALE on toys. Pokemon toys will fall under the Pokemon sale, not the toy sale. 3 - Store credit is not good with the sale! Store credit is only valid against MSRP as stated on the store credit card. Gift Cards are valid. 4 - You can't double dip. that means NO OTHER DEALS, DISCOUNTS, OFFERS, will apply. 5 - No dealers. We're not stocking your shop. There is a limit of ONE of any single item (you can't buy two copies of the same RPG, Board Game, comic book, etc. The sale is for our friends that have helped us to survive over a decade. We're not taking a loss for anyone else. 6 - Statues, figures, etc and things in the showcases. YOU BOX EM. We're giving you the deals. You do the work. After you pay for the item(s) we'll hand you the lose items and the boxes they go in. You deal with it. We're gonna be too busy to figure out how to take apart that intricate statue. 7 - All BX Get X means you pay for the most expensive to get the free X. 8 - Staff word in final. We're trying to save you money on the things you love and not put ourselves out of business. Yes, Pokemon is a video game but Pokemon merch is only a percentage off and not part of the BUY X GET X FREE. Our talented and trained staff will help you but what they say is true! 9 - We reserve the right to not sell you anything if you're a dick for any reason. ANY REASON. Seriously! Every single sale some dirty toothed, stained t-shirt, mismatched sock wearing Yah Dude eBay Bro rolls up from out of town and wants to pick a fight with us about our sale! Just don't do it because if you are that guy (or lady - we've no gender bias) and you do, we will video you being ridiculous and we will harass you forover. Just don't do it man! 10 - TBD in case we have to make somethign up on the fly
Starfinder is here! Now is your chance to learn the rules and be part of the community! Our amazing DMs will be on hand to teach you the rules! Just bring dice and something to write with and we will give you a Starfinder Society membership and a premade character![%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%7B%5C%22page_id%5C%22%3A558853964243703%2C%5C%22tour_id%5C%22%3Anull%7D%22%7D%2C%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22permalink%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22[]%22%7D%2C%7B%22surface%22%3A%22create_dialog%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22user_create_dialog%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A[]%7D]&has_source=1
We have gotten in a TON of great new Blind Box figures in this week! These are only a few of them! The Star Wars ones are AWESOME and FLYING out the door! Every dude who works at the shop is trying to get a Darth Vader but none of them has yet! Perhaps you will be the one to get one and hold it over Jon & Devins heads! Bring it with you every week and taunt them! The WWE Pint Size heroes are hilarious and cute and the Science Fiction ones have so many great characters that you will have a hard time deciding which you actually want most! (PSST, BY THE WAY, IF YOU'RE A BLIND BOX FAN YOU MIGHT WANT TO CHECK OUT THIS WEEKS ANNIVERSARY DEALS...)
Al just realized there's three different MAN IN BLACK Pop figures from three different movie/tv properties! Let's vote on who's the best one! At the end of the day we will crown the TRUE MAN IN BLACK!
This is CRAZY. HELLBOY IN INJUSTICE 2!!!!!!!!!!!! How in the hell did they pull this off? Black Manta looks wild too!
Milo knows how to stay hydrated in style on a muggy day like today! Tag us with a cool photo of your pet and they could be the new face of Jetpack!
STARFINDER has arrived! Far in the future of the Pathfinder universe, a new RPG is born! We've got a bunch but don't wait because it's looking like this stuff is sold out everywhere and will go fast!