Barbara Feil Counseling
Providing counseling for men and women Providing therapy for men and women around life transitions, grief, depression, marriage and relationship issues, guilt and shame, abuse (spiritual, sexual and emotional), past abuse, sexuality, identity and self image, spiritual development, church and ministry.
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facebook.comThis Sunday I had the privilege of preaching at Gateway Baptist Church on the topic of how the church can respond to abuse. How I wish more churches would take one Sunday a year to create space to help validate members/attendees who have experienced abuse and help others develop greater compassion, empathy and know how to respond! may be the most important malady of our world today.
I am now fulltime in my private counseling practice. I see clients Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday afternoons. I have evening times available and am taking new clients - individuals and couples. I offer prospective new clients a free one-hour consultation before making an investment in their emotional, relational, mental and spiritual well-being.
9/11 was not only a national event of great destruction and loss but it shook many to the core of their being. Forgotten trauma, deep questions of identity and significance were raised. How did 9/11 impact you? What changes have taken place in your life since that day? As you reflect and remember the heroism and loss think about what that day unearthed in your soul.
Lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. This Sunday I am privileged to preach on the Psalms of Lament. One of greatest (and I fear rarest) privileges is to sit with another and hear and experience their lament. It is what God does for us. This is at the heart of the therapeutic relationship. I am grateful to do it...
Brene Brown says, "Perfectionism is not self-improvement. Perfectionism is, at it's core, about trying to earn approval and acceptance." Do you know why you feel driven to be "perfect"? Who's approval or acceptance are you bidding for? Your own? Your mother? Your father? Your spouse? Your children? God?
As both a pastor and professional therapist I often counsel men and women who have experienced "spiritual abuse." Here is sage wisdom for all of us...and you may be surprised at how what even pastor's say can re-wound.
Wise words about a new year, rest, rhythmn's and life...