Susan Wilmoth Acupuncture
Relieving Pain & Stress in Portland, Oregon
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facebook.comA little acupuncture humor...
This impacts so many people. This article outlines some simple home care for relieving sciatic pain, piriformis tension, hip and lower back pain.
Welcome to the year of the Yin Fire Rooster! The rooster brings transformation through steady methodical action, both inward and outward. A rooster's guiding mantra for 2017: Stay the course!
A warm welcome to autumn, to slowing down, to turning inward, to restorative time, to soup-season, and to deep nourishment. "At no other time does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell, the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way inferior to the smell of the sea, bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds." -Rilke
The wonders of cupping!
This is a simple and beautiful tool for dealing with the pain of a loss.
This gluten-free nut & seed loaf is an intestinal health game-changer, not to mention delicious!
Love and accountability help us make changes. This is such a moving story of a man's journey back to health with his companion...