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Plano East Senior High School MSA

3000 Los Rios Blvd, Plano, United States
High School



The Plano East Senior High School Muslim Students' Association provides all members of the school community with an understanding of Islam. The purpose of the MSA will be to provide all members of the Plano East Senior High School community with an understanding of Islam according to the Qur'an and the practices of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The MSA is committed to the unity of all Muslims standing under the banner of the Islamic shahada (testimony) "There is no God but God and Muhammad is His final messenger."

The primary goal of the MSA will be to serve the best interests of the students of Plano East Senior High School from within the framework of Islam. The specific goals of the MSA include, but are not limited to, creating and raising awareness and understanding of Islam on campus as well as fostering a sense of community and brotherhood among PESH students. The MSA will also promote a sense of appreciation of the core Islamic teachings to both Muslims and non-Muslims through its events and activities while providing services to facilitate a comfortable, safe, and peaceful campus environment.




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