Flower Mound High School Band
The official Facebook page of the Flower Mound Band. The official Facebook page of the Flower Mound Band.
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facebook.comCongratulations FMHS cluster percussionists on a fantastic concert last evening!
What an AMAZING concert!!!! Congratulations Johniel and Matthew!!!
Last group has taken the stage! The All State Symphony Orchestra!
Semper Fidelis conducted by Col. Fettig of The President’s Own Marine Band...INCREDIBLE!!!! Congrats Tristen, Griffin, and Rhett!!!
Concert #3...the All State Symphonic Band
Congrats to Zoe, Miranda, and Carley!!! What an incredible concert!!!!
All-State Philharmonic Orchestra is up next!
Great job, Alex! We are so proud of you!!!
Here we go!!! 6A All State Concert Band!!!
Dinner with the All State Kids!!!!
Congratulations to the all state students on their auditions. We are very proud and looking forward to the concerts on Saturday! Zoe Bixler - Piccolo, Philharmonic Orchestra Carley McCann - English Horn, Philharmonic Orchestra Tristen Broadfoot - Clarinet, Symphonic Band Alex Feutchwanger - Clarinet, Concert Band Griffin Holt - Contra Clarinet, Symphonic Band - he was named principal chair in the state Mathew Warner - Bassoon, Symphony Orchestra Rhett Carlin - Contrabassoon, Symphonic Band Johniel Najera - Trumpet, Symphony Orchestra Miranda Smith - French Horn, Philharmonic Orchestra
Congratulations to the Varsity Winterguard on their 1st place finish at the Dallas WGI Regional yesterday!