Kingdom Agenda International Ministry
Advancing the Kingdom through Love. The objective of Kingdom Agenda International Ministry is that through principled teaching, lives will be transformed at an individual, familial and community level from the inside out.
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facebook.comWhere purpose is NOT known...Abuse [Abnormal Use] is bound to happen!🔥🔥 Kingdom Note: The original intent of your creation was NOT to praise and worship God...It was to have Dominion over the Dominate! David writes in Psalm 8:4–6, “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet.” (This is also repeated in Hebrews 2:6–8.) This verse reveals the purpose that God has given man: dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:28–29) Christ has now put you back into right relationship with your His image [with His DNA] and likeness [to function like Him]. Bring Glory to your creator today by walking in purpose and unleashing every ounce of potential that He has deposited in you before the foundation of the world....make all of heaven stand up and applaud your efforts that bring HIM glory! Be great Today..On Purpose!
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Impact Fun Day - Saturday March 18 @ 12 pm. MEET US THERE to Impact OUR community on purpose! #RCT #AgentsOfChange Flag football Kickball Food Games Fun Music #KAIM
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Join us EVERY Wednesday for "Midday Manna" Bible Study with Pastor Lynva Masslieno. Everyone welcome and encouraged to attend! Lunch will be provided! LETS GO!!! #P2A
Kingdom Agenda International Ministry's cover photo
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NO SERVICE just Fellowship, Food & Fun! Everyone welcome and encouraged to join us!!!!
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Join Us Saturday - March 11th @ Noon for some fun playing kickball, eating good food, enjoying good music and getting to know our community!!! We'd love to see you!
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Join us EVERY Wednesday for "Midday Manna" Bible Study with Pastor Lyn Masslieno. Everyone welcome and encouraged to attend!
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Join us this Sunday, March 5th , for our 10th Strategy Session on "Becoming An Agent of Change" We don't meet to teach you how to do religion...We meet to teach you Kingdom strategy how to Dominate In Life! If you are In the Panama City Area...consider joining the #RCTMovement (Receive, Change, and Transfer). We are also accepting online partners to expand the movement! Meet me and #Remnant50 at The Kingdom impact Center from 2:00pm-3:30 pm cst. We believe that we were created to Dominate!🔥🔥 Your beliefs dictate your Actions and your Actions determine your results! See you this Sunday in an atmosphere of possibility!✔
Join us this Sunday, March 5th , for our 10th Strategy Session on "Becoming An Agent of Change" We don't meet to teach you how to do religion...We meet to teach you Kingdom strategy how to Dominate In Life! If you are In the Panama City Area...consider joining the #RCTMovement (Receive, Change, and Transfer). We are also accepting online partners to expand the movement! Meet me and #Remnant50 at The Kingdom impact Center from 2:00pm-3:30 pm cst. We believe that we were created to Dominate!🔥🔥 Your beliefs dictate your Actions and your Actions determine your results! See you this Sunday in an atmosphere of possibility!✔