Webster Martial Arts of Madison
A family oriented Martial Arts school with a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Our proven curriculum builds self confidence, flexibility and character. Webster's Martial Arts is a top tier Martial Arts school that teaches an extremely well rounded curriculum that has taken years to mature. Jimmy Webster started the school in 1973 as a traditional Tang Soo Do school which he handed over to his son Jamie Webster in the 90s. Jamie has spent the last 30+ years of his life honing his craft and meticulously improving and categorizing his curriculum. Both the Decatur and Madison schools use the same curriculum, key concepts, branding, revenue generators, etc. and this new school plans to do the same. It has been a long time goal of Jimmy, Jamie and Pat Underwood (Head Instructor at WMA Madison) to open a 3rd school in the Huntsville area. John Stallions and Blake Stewart are long time students of Jimmy and Jamie want to bring the Martial Arts experience that was such a positive influence on their lives to the citizens of Madison.
We currently offer classes Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:15 (children aged 7-12) and 6:15-7-15 (teens and adults). We have now have a cubs class for children aged 4-6 that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00-5:30. We will be adding more class times and programs as our student base builds.
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