Atherton High School PTSO
Atherton High School Parent Teacher Student Organization's official Facebook Page.
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facebook.comDr. Pollio talks about Atherton in his Weekly Wrap Up!
ICYMI: Atherton celebrated its transition to a whole-school International Baccalaureate model as well as an Academies of Louisville school this week! More on the exciting developments in the video 👇 below! #WeAreJCPS
Senior practice and graduation practice! #ClassOf2018 #WeAreAtherton #WeAreJCPS
Like and share this post and you will be entered to win an Atherton High car magnet! Be sure to like and follow us on all of our social media accounts for up to date information from the school! #WeAreAtherton
Friday announcements (May 18) • Last volunteer opportunity this school year, Saturday 6/9, Upper Highlands Festival @ Atherton. Sign up outside 205 or 002. See Ms. Hines with questions. • Attention juniors interested in co-op next school year. Sign up in the guidance office to learn more about the UPS school to work program. • Clean out your closet and give back at the same time. We are collecting new and gently used pairs of shoes. Collection box in room 205. See Ms. Hines for details. • Starting Monday, 5/7, any cars illegally parked in the triangle area across the street will be towed. • Students who pre-ordered a yearbook need to pick it up at lunch today, 5/18.
Please Consider a Position on the Atherton High PTSO Board! As the end of the school year quickly approaches, we are preparing to fill two positions that are being vacated on our PTSO Board for the subsequent school year. If you are looking to get more involved at Atherton, this is a great way to make a difference! The following positions are OPEN for 2018-19 and and 2019-20: The Hospitality & Appreciation Chair shall: 1. Act as an aide to the President 2. Perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence 3. Coordinate hospitality and appreciation events 4. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by these By-Laws and the Organization. The Service & Membership Chair shall: 1. Coordinate membership campaign and service 2. Coordinate incentives programs approved by the Board 3. Maintain a current membership list 4. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by these By-Laws and the Organization. Application Procedure: Reply to all in an email (;;;;;; Be thorough, but brevity is valued. The first paragraph should present any relevant biographical information, such as relevant prior experience. The second paragraph should present thoughts about the position being sought, including reasons for interest and ideas for action that might be undertaken. Please conclude with complete contact information. If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask! #WeAreAtherton #WeAreJCPS
Come out and support the jazz band tonight at 7:30 at The Caravan (formerly Comedy Caravan at MidCity Mall)! Doors open at 7.
Atherton has once again been named one of the best high schools in Kentucky (and the U.S.)! #WeAreAtherton #WeAreJCPS
**Reminder - The PTSO Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is Thursday, May 11th! PLEASE SEND in your favorite SIDE DISH OR DESSERT. (Hot dishes should be baked, & we are able to keep them warm.) If you're able to help setup and serve, please let me know. This is a great opportunity to let our teachers know we appreciate all their hard work. Thanks for your help! Email Laura Allen if you have any questions:
Congrats, Emily! She was named the winner of Rep. John Yarmuth's 12th annual Congressional Art Competition #WeAreAtherton
Atherton’s SBDM passed resolution Friday supporting JCPS Superintendent Marty Pollio and the Jefferson County Board of Education. #WeAreAtherton #WeAreJCPS