Trinity Long Lake
A place for friends of Trinity to get caught up on news, pictures, and updates on programs!!
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facebook.comYouth Silent Auction & Italian Dinner Fundraiser!
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Ash Wednesday Worship service tonight at 6:30 pm. Come early for a taco dinner served from 5:00- 6:15 pm and make a cross craft in the fellowship hall. All 7th & 8th grade mentor partners will begin meeting tonight. Our Lenten offering will be directed to support Trinity's Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack, April 15-17.
Pub Theology: Different Faith Traditions
Mission Trip Sunday 2016! HS Youth "Every Move I Make"
What a morning together - Thanks to all of these amazing Trinity HS Youth for helping lead in worship! Please continue to pray for these and all of our Middle & High School youth and leaders preparing to go on summer ministry trips in 2016!!
Timeline Photos
Come to worship on Sunday morning to hear and witness the power of Trinity's high school youth summer trips! There are powerful stories of faith and transformation to be shared. #tlcyouth #missiontripsunday
AGAPE Gift Market Workshops
Our first workshp is underway this morning. Workshops are each Friday from 9-11 am. We are working on different projects each week-- come and help and create!
Timeline Photos
I LOVE this place! 100 Reasons (or more) We Love Trinity! Don't forget to "note" your reason this Sunday.
Photos from Trinity Long Lake's post
Can you imagine getting all these preschoolers ready to go outside and play after lunch?! Trinity Preschool teachers are the best...and so are the kids! It was the MWF kids turn to meet Cupid from the Como Park Zoo today! Just another busy day at the Trinity Preschool...
Timeline Photos
What a great afternoon! Thank you to all that came out to ice fish and special thanks to our hosts, Tim, Emily and Steve Personius! That is a "wrap" on J-Term 2016. Start thinking about ways we can get out-of-the-box in 2017!
Photos from Trinity Long Lake's post
J-Term pottery: learning to make "Empty Bowls" with Claire O'Conner to learn more about "Empty Bowls" click here: to learn more about Claire click here:
Photos from Trinity Long Lake's post
And it has begun!
Timeline Photos
Something's fishy at the Trinity Preschool today! The kids and teachers had a very special visitor. Meet Cupid from the Como Zoo.