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Lee Church Congregational

17 Mast Rd, Lee, United States
Religious Organization



UCC church located in Lee, NH.
Worship Services:  Praise at 8:30 AM, Traditional at 10:30 AM. Sunday school and fellowship hour
Summer Services: 9:30 AM  


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Church Supper Saturday 3/18 5-6:30 pm

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It's not too late to join Pastor Gail at Spinner's in Lee Market Place. Community Office Hours right now until 1:00!

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We will gather this evening, March 1st, at 7:00 for a service of prayer and the imposition of ashes. Please join us as we begin the season of Lent together. We are a church community where everyone is welcome, no matter where they are on life's journey.

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CANCELED - Seated Therapeutic Yoga Class Unfortunately, the Seated Therapeutic Yoga Class scheduled for March 2 at 6 pm has been canceled. The presenters are still interested in holding the class and are looking to gauge how much interest there would be in a class held on a Monday or Tuesday morning instead. Please contact the Church Office (659-2861 or if you would be interested in attending this free class on a Monday or Tuesday morning. It’s offered by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, and is appropriate for people who have or anticipate having mobility concerns, those who want to maintain their independence at home, people living with one or more chronic health conditions, and people interested in improving their health and well-being.

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URGENT NEED - Blood Drive this Friday from 1-6 pm at Lee Congregational. Due to a shortage of donations this winter, your blood donation is critically needed now. All those who come in to donate from Jan. 30 to Feb. 26, 2017, are eligible to receive a $5 Gift Card via email for making blood donation a priority this winter. Also, pizza from Pizza Spinners will be served! Please consider rolling up a sleeve and giving the gift of life. Your single donation can help save up to three lives! To make an appointment, please visit and use sponsor code LEECONGREGATIONAL

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Community Office Hours at Spinners has been cancelled for today. Join Pastor Gail next week (2/17) between 11:30 am - 1 pm for conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.

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Boy Scout Sunday Lee Church will be celebrating Boy Scout Sunday on February 5 at both our 8:30 and 10:30 services. We invite all Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and their families to join us as we celebrate the scouts in our community. We encourage scouts to wear their uniforms to church.

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Lasagna Church Supper Saturday, January 21st 5:00—6:30 PM At Lee Church Congregational, UCC 17 Mast Rd (Rt. 155) Lee, NH 03861 Join us for a delicious meal of: Lasagna, Salad, Rolls & butter, Brownie with Ice Cream and beverages $8 Adults/ $5 Children under 12 yrs. Proceeds support the Lee Church Youth Group. Youth from the Lee area are welcome to join the Youth Group who meet monthly for a fun activity. They also prepare and deliver meals to shut-ins and provide community service projects.

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Please come and join us for worship on Christmas Eve. Our services will be: Children's Service - 4:30 Candlelight Services - 6:30 & 8:00 Everyone is welcome and welcomed!

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Living Nativity - a Lee Tradition!

We invite everyone to come and join in a tradition, which started over 40 years ago in the Town of Lee! Live animals join us while children from the church and community re-enact the nativity. Visit with the animals, and join in a Community reception of hot cocoa and cookies in Lee Church Fellowship Hall. Your child is welcome to participate, call 659-2861. How can you take part? Bring your sheep, donkeys, goats and cows to gather around the crèche. Local youth invited to play non-speaking townspeople and angel roles. Please contact us to tell us how you’d like to get involved! (weather postponement date: Sunday, December 18)

Living Nativity - a Lee Tradition!

Holiday Festival November 19th from 9 am to 2 pm The annual Lee Church Holiday Festival is tomorrow with lots of opportunities for shopping!! The Festival features unique one-of-a-kind floral arrangements for Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as handmade crafts from quilters and crafters. Bakers in Lee have been busy baking delicious pies, breads, cookies and more. Don’t forget your pet; a pet table will offer gifts for our companion animals and wildlife. A “children only” shopping area provides an opportunity for kids to shop for their family and friends. Don’t forget the White Elephant table and Used Books!! Come early and stay for lunch!! At the Lee Church. Handicap accessible. Free parking.

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Breakfast with Santa November 19th 7:30 - 9 am The Annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa will be held on November 19th at the Lee Public Safety Complex, 20 George Bennett Road. Chat with Santa, take a picture with Santa and enjoy the pancakes!! This event is sponsored by the Lee Church Congregational and the Lee Fire Fighters Association. After breakfast stop in at the Lee Church Holiday Festival where children can shop for Christmas gifts in a “children only” shopping area. While the children shop you will find tables of floral arrangements for the holidays, crafts, baked goods, pet gifts and more!!

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