CJ's Sports Bar
CJ's Sports Bar is located in Kingsport, TN. Offering imported, domestic and local beer. Live music, local bands, karaoke night.
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facebook.comWe've got an entire summer full of surprises and fun! For Wildcard Friday on August 11th, please join us for our very first Disco Night with Neal McMurray! And don't forget to dress up for the party, because best outfit/costume wins a special prize! #disconight #70s #music #wildcardfriday #costumeparty #discotheme
Not only do we have the entire month of July booked up for fun, but August is going to be just as fun! On August 11th, please come join us as we host our first Disco Night! Grab your friends, share a 56oz BudLightRita and dance the night away in style! #DiscoNight #themenight #disco #70s #msic #sportsbar #budlightrita
This Saturday, please come and spend your weekend the only way that anyone should: here at CJ's, listening to live music from Silver Bullet Band! #SilverBulletBand #livemusic #liveentertainment #music #bandnight #liveband
This Friday after the Fun Fest parade, come join us as Railway Express Band joins us for another incredible night of music and dancing! Start your weekend off with a bang! #FunFest #parade #RailwayExpressBand #bandnight #music #livemusi #liveentertainment
As always, Asylum Suite rocked the house and we have to thank you guys for always putting on a great show for everyone! #AsylumSuite #bandnight #liveband #music #livemusic #liveentertainment #80s #rock
Instead of starting at 8, Asylum Suite will be starting at 9 tonight instead!
Tonight, we're continuing our rockin' weekend with the one and only Asylum Suite! If you haven't been to one of their shows, then we simply can't trust you. So come on out, grab a beer, make some friends and enjoy the AMAZING music! #AsylumSuite #music #livemusic #bandnight #liveband #liveentertainment
Last night was an absolute BLAST! We loved seeing everyone letting loose and getting their weekend on with us (the ONLY way to start your weekend off right ;)), and of course, we just have to give a big thank you to Ali Randolph & Outta Luck Band, Railway Express Band and Retroville for an unforgettable night! We loved having you guys here! If you haven't yet, go like these guys' page to keep up with news and more of their events so you can continue to enjoy their music! #AliRandolph #RailwayExpressBand #Retroville #music #bandnight #summerevent #livemusic #liveentertainment