Empire Bar & Billiards
Empire Bar & Billiards is a perfect place to shoot pool, relax with friends, or watch the game. Come shoot on one of our 16 coin op tables and grab a beer. Empire Bar & Billiards boasts 16 coin op tables ($.50/ game) as well as a full size table ($5/ hour).
90" projection screen, 80" TV, 55" TV, 40" TVs (6), 32" TVs (4), and a 24" TV give you options to catch your favorite event.
Golden Tee 2015
Cocktail Table Multicade
Come shoot some pool and check out our daily drink specials.
Tell your friends
facebook.com***How Will You Remember Today*** Where will you be? Who will be with you? History is written by the winners and we guarantee you know EXACTLY where you were when the Jayhawks won in 2008. Tell us about it in the comments! Where will you be TODAY?
***Final Four Party*** Bud and Bud Light pints for $1.50 all day with two projectors running. Come hang with us all day and watch both games. PSA there will be no 9ball tournament that night either so if you are feeling like some competition come tonight for the 8ball tourney. See you soon!
***Forever Royal*** It's finally here, BASEBALL SEASON. Come on over around 2:45 and bask in the glory. Forever Royal, Forever Loyal, Empire. See you soon!
Check in / attend this event when you come down to Empire, show the bartender you've checked in / are attending, and receive a free game of pool. Tag your friends and let them know to come shoot. Daily Drink Specials - Home of the $5 pitcher daily Monday - $5 double calls, $2 domestic bottles Tuesday - $2 single wells, $4,75 domestic pitchers Wednesday - $2.75 import / craft brews, $1 off double whiskeys Thursday - $1.50 PBR / Highlife bottles Friday / Saturday - $4 double wells, $5 PBR pitchers, $4 rotating premium whiskey (ask your bartender) Sunday - $3.75 PBR pitchers, $4.50 bloody's.
***Trick Shot Thursday*** This just doesn't make sense. Not only do we lack the ability to do this, it is also the lease practical shot we could think of learning. REGARDLESS IT IS AMAZING! Check out all the trick shots on our youtube page - see you soon!
***Hump Day*** Still full of Tacos from Taco Tuesday? You feel as messed up as this cartoon taco looks? Hang out under the calming pool lights and come off your taco high with a nice beer. See you soon!
***DMV*** Sitting at the DMV? We think you might need to come in for a drink after all that madness. Leagues start at 7 so show up early.
***Run That Back*** We're not crying, YOU'RE CRYING. Gut wrenching as it were we are happy we got to spend Sunday night with you. Remember where you were sitting and shooting and you better be back for Saturday's tip! See you soon!
***Grayson Allen*** There have been some horrible Duke players over the years. Who do you dislike more than Grayson Allen? JJ? Christian? Come tell us and root against the Duke boys. See you soon!
***Not Done Dancing*** K-State and KU have made it to the Elite 8. K-State tip off in 25 seconds. Get over here and grab a chair and a table. See you soon!
***Two Hours*** Don't make Bill disappointed. Nobody wants to see a sad Bill. Come watch the KU game with your friends at Empire tonight. Tip is shortly after 6pm. See you soon!
***Tournament Resumes*** Here we go again, Sweet Sixteen action starts today and Empire is the only place offering up $1.50 PBR / Highlife Bottles. See you soon!