Grand Forks Downtown Development Association
To create a downtown community that is the pulse of the Grand Cities
We do this by:
-Creating a thriving business environment
-Offering unique events
-Building livable neighborhoods
-Being the community gathering place To create a downtown community that is the pulse of the Grand Cities
We do this by:
-Creating a thriving business environment
-Offering unique events
-Building livable neighborhoods
-Being the community gathering place
Tell your friends
facebook.comRaise your hand if you are excited for the Grand Forks Freezeway!! #gfiscooler #soClose 🙌🏻
Happy December! Have a great weekend! #friday #decemberalready #GOgrandGOdowntown
#FeelGoodFriday Special thank you to Sky's and Edgewood Healthcare for opening up your facilities last weekend to allow us to bring even more people to enjoy the #hollydazzle2017 Festival of Lights Parade! #GFisCooler #SkywayisWarmer #EventsforAllAges #GOgrandGOdowntown #thankyou
CONGRATULATIONS to our winner of the HOLLYDAZZLE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS PARADE Red River Runners Grand Forks ! Thank you to everyone that participated in the parade and the HollyDazzle event! Red River RunnersGF
We wanna see how much fun you had send us your photos!! Use #hollydazzle2017,tag us, add them to the comments!!